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I run into the deep forest til reach the frozen lake, and sat on the stone alone surrounded by the trees covered with snow.

It's been so many years and I still have no idea what the dream mean to me, whenever I think of it my mind hurts. Is it part of my memory?

So Hee wasn't my real name by Y/n right? And that bad girl in the dream...who is she? Why do she have a similar face as mine?

"Jump from here and never comeback again!"

I hold my head as the scene start to flash in my mind.

"I can't stay here for too long, I gotta get out from here to look for Master Seokjin...he must know everything about me"

I get up and about to walk out the forest but I got lost , not knowing which the direction that I came earlier. The footprint has been covered with snow making me hard to find a way out.

"What should I do? I'm lost..."
I hug myself as I felt cold under the snow.

I try to use the spell to show the direction but it's seem getting block but some kind of energy.

"That's weird...why can't I use my spell here..what is this place.."
I look surrounded, only found nothing but a trees with frozen lake.

"So cold..." I start rubbing my hands to kept myself warm.
I sat down on the stone, trembling in cold.

Where's Hyunjin? Aren't he follow me earlier? Why am I ended up alone in this place?

"H-hyunjin.." I say out his name and my eyes getting heavy til I lay on the cold ground.


The bell from my anklet bracelet ring the moment I fell.

At somewhere in the forest, a girl with white cloak slowly shown out from the tree and pull down the hood to reveal her face, a girl with a similar face as Y/n smirking.

"Great, now you're dead no one would ever take him away from me"
She smirk and walk away in satisfaction on how success she was to finally kill her enemy.

Hyunjin Pov.

The moment when I was thinking of should I follow her or not, until I feel there's some sort of the energy is surrounded in the forest where Y/n were.

Did she use any kind of spell?
No...this is not her scent but someone else.

She's in danger.

Just as what I thought, the anklet of y/n just ring immediately summon me to where she was.

"Y/n!" I was shock that Y/n is on the ground unconsciously. I rushed towards her and pull her in my embrace.

Her body temperature is low, due to the Temperature in this forest.
I quickly bring her back to the house and lay her down, pull the sheet to cover her body to kept her warm.

I rush to burn the woods at the fire place to make the room more warmer then went to get make some here soup.

"hack hack" Y/n coughing make me rush to check her up.

"Y/n..." I called her.

she seems still sleeping while murmuring.

"Hyunjin...where are you... I'm so cold...hack hack"

"I'm here.. I'm here" I sat down on the bed and hold her hand that she were trying to searched for a things to grab.

"So cold..." She literally just pull my hand and hug it like a pillow.

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