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Sharon Pov.
It's another morning I got up from bed and my maid is here to bring me a basin of clean water and start to do my morning routine by washing my face and gargle my mouth with the clean water.

After done all of my morning routine, I begin to start eating my breakfast. Talking about breakfast I though of that pity girl who didn't have that chance to eat well.
I smirk as I have an idea to treat her badly til she give up on her life.

"Bell come" I call my maid who is busy preparing that bath for me.
She come right up to me after got call by me.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Since that bitch hasn't ate her breakfast...go prepared some food for her, we will visit her later" I said while pointing on the pot that I just spit the water in after gargling my mouth earlier.

"Yes ma'am" she smirk and begin to do the breakfast for the special one who gonna eat the breakfast that were prepared by me.

I finished up my breakfast then went to take my bath and get change into a beautiful mint colour maxi dress. I sat Infront of the mirror as my maid is helping me to style my hair.
After everything is done, we begin to take our step went out from my room begin to walk towards the abandoned place.

Since that place were opposite the ladies room...we have to walk past the main entrance of the palace.
Just when I was walking past the entrance the guard begin to ask me in such a weird and stranger questions along with his confusing look.

"Ma'am? Why are you still here?"

I look at him confusingly at the same time annoyed with them.
"What do you mean? I was about to go meet my mother in law"
I rolled my eyes and take my step begin to walk.


"Just do your job" I commend and walk away from then. Damn they're so annoyed.

After past by the main entrance, we turn here and there in the hallway til we reach the cold and wet places which is the abandoned place in the palace.
This place is actually is the place where the former imperial concubine live, just because she did a horrible mistake til she got punish and got throw out from the palace, the former emperor which is the king's grandfather even drop an order to not let anyone to come here and even told that the the place got curse that's why It's abandoned due to no one coming around and took care of it.

Well, even if it's abandoned the flower here still grow beautiful around the places. The old marble on the ground has fully covered by the grass, the wall of the place is cracky even the colour is slowly gone. We turn in to one of the entrance and walk towards the old red colour door.

"Ma'am...the chain got destroy" Bell my maid said as she show me the broken chain on the floor.

"What the—" I quickly push open the broken door and look surrounding. There's no one in the room only the broken bowl with some stinky food on the floor which is Y/n vomit all of the food that we force her to eat yesterday.

"She's gone!"

"How come?"

We start to panicked and begin to look around the places hopefully could find her but no... No one is around the abandoned places...she has already escape or should I say got save by somebody else...

"Shit!" I cursed.

"Could it be...the prince?"

I glare at her and slap the food box away from her hand to show my anger.

"Ma'am please calm down" she immediately kneeled down and bow her head down on the back of her hand.


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