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The days turned colder, which made almost everyone enjoy the coziness of either sitting by the fireplace or getting together in the library where you could watch it rain on the big windows.

The raindrops made the perfect soft tapping sounds on the windows while I was there, and Elena was sitting a few tables away from me, also alone. She was so caught up in her book that it looked adorable. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she was biting her lip while concentrating hard on the book.

I had a book in my hands as well, but unlike her, I wasn't reading it. Too distracted by her pretty face. It was such a sweet sight to see her so caught up in something. But my smile faded soon enough once I saw Luna striding into sight— not by herself, but with a guy. A guy.

I recognized him as Nathaniel Hanford, also known as Nate— but I knew him as the git who I pushed away from a girl he was harassing at a party several months ago. You don't forget such an annoying face.
He was standing in front of Elena, running a hand through his black hair, grinning.

"Someone wants to meet you," Luna said, looking quite concerned, pushing Nathaniel closer to her. "Now make your introductions, Nate. I'm afraid I have something else to do." Luna said, pressing her lips together while looking at El, who finally took her nose out of her book. "Luna!" She hissed, clearly ignoring the guy. She was irritated. Good.

Luna was already walking away, waving goodbye to Madam Pince. "Good luck!" Luna called from a distance, then strode out of sight. I dug my fingers into the cover of my book while watching Nathaniel sit down next to her. It was an aggravating sight, and I wanted nothing more than to just make him leave or hurt or—

"Hey." Nathaniel grinned, adjusting his shirt while she turned her head back to her book. "Is there something you need?" She asked him in a monotone voice, flipping her page slowly. I grinned to myself, brushing my fingers over my lips to hide it. I was glad she wasn't interested. Good girl..

"I've seen you with Luna. I've observed you in the Great Hall and in the library and I find myself to be quite interested in you, if that's alright for me to say." He said with a smile as if his intentions were good. I knew so much more. "I'll have to think about it." She said vaguely, clearing her throat. "What?" He asked with a deep frown.

"If it's alright for you to say that," She said with a forced grin. "I'll come back to you later— if you're lucky. Can I continue reading now?

I pressed my hand against my mouth to hide the chuckle that left my lips, coughing shortly after to conceal it. Nathaniel shifted in his seat, taking in a deep breath. "We should go out, don't you think?" He asked in a low voice. An impatient voice. "I haven't thought about such a thing." She said, flipping her page again.

He sighed impatiently, tapping his fingers on the hard wood of the table. "Stubborn, I see.." He said while the book I was holding now had dents in it from my fingers. "Give it a try. Just go out with me for one time. Then you can decide whether you want to continue to be stubborn or not."

She finally put her book down very slowly, closing her eyes to prepare. "Nathaniel, isn't it?" She asked, so he nodded, a grin reappearing on his ugly face. "Will you leave me alone if I go out with you for one painful hour? Just one?"

He chuckled with joy, reaching for her hand and grabbing it. "If you don't like me, yes. But I expect to hear more from you if you change your mind." He said. All I wanted was to call him out on the liar that he was. He wouldn't leave her alone. "Oh, I feel so honored.." She gasped dramatically, then rolled her eyes when he kissed her hand.

Kissed. Her. Hand.

"I'll see you outside of the Great Hall after breakfast tomorrow." He smirked, winking at her before getting up and leaving the library. She buried her face in her hands, groaning with frustration. She wasn't the only one. I had to protect her from this fucking maniac— he was dangerous for her.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now