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Draco raised his hand, still half asleep. He wanted to feel her skin, stroke his fingers over her waist and then pull her body into his, but his hand met with the mattress instead. His eyes shot open.

He'd never jumped out of bed that fast before, his heart stuck somewhere between the floor and his stomach. "Elena?!" He said loudly, pushing open the door of his room, rushing through the hall. This couldn't be true— she couldn't have found a way to escape. Especially not after last night.

Draco stopped when he was standing in the kitchen, suddenly face-to-face with the girl he was looking for, who was holding a mug in her hand. "Why are you yelling my name..?" She asked softly, placing the mug down, her eyebrows furrowed upwards. "Did I wake you? I made sure not to make any—"

She stopped talking when Draco grabbed her waist with both hands and pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her body. She just stood there for a moment, eyes wide with shock. This was certainly a new way to say 'good morning'.

"Why didn't you stay in bed..?" Draco asked, burying his face in her neck, holding her closer. "I wanted to make you your favorite tea before I would wake you up. I know you don't like getting up later than ten o'clock, and it's nine forty-five, so.." She said, hesitating before she put her arms around him.

Draco sighed while a smile appeared on his face. He couldn't have asked for a better response, even if he wanted to be the one to take care of her like this. It was nice that she remembered so much about him. "I'm sorry." She muttered, realizing what an empty left side of the bed looked like to him.

"It's okay, love. Don't apologize." Draco said, finally letting go of her. She smiled, turning around and grabbing the mug from the counter, handing it to him. "But where's yours?" Draco asked, taking it out of her hands. "Oh, I already drank mine. I was up early so I had extra time." She said.

"Thank you, sweetheart. But please let me do this for you from now on. That's the way it's supposed to be." Draco said, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "Okay." She said softly, fiddling with her hands. Draco tucked her hair behind her ear, his eyes narrowing when he lowered them at her neck. Her neck that was absolutely covered in hickeys.

"When will Pansy and Hermione be here?" She asked with raised eyebrows, her belly tingling with excitement. "In two hours." Draco said, grinning at the eagerness on her face. He drank his tea while looking at her, remembering last night as if he hadn't dreamed about an extended version of it.

"What..?" She asked, growing nervous when she noticed his staring. "I just had an amazing night of sleep, that's all. It was so... enlightening." Draco said, leaning against the kitchen counter. She took in a deep breath, frowning. "No strings attached, isn't that what we agreed on?" She said.

Draco nodded, still with the same narrowed eyes that just made her feel like he wasn't serious. "Draco, I mean it." She said, wondering if last night should just never happen again— maybe that'd be for the best. "Oh, I bet you do." Draco scoffed, stuffing his free hand into the pocket of his sweatpants.

"Why don't you believe me?" She said in a stern voice, placing her hands on her hips. Draco was so unbelievably amused by her denial. "I know what meaningless sex is, princess. And that was not it." Draco chuckled in a low voice, placing his empty mug down on the kitchen counter.

"We didn't have sex," She corrected him while the blood rushed into her cheeks. "Besides, it looks different for everyone. It was meaningless to me, just like we agreed. But if you want to believe that there was some weird thing going on between us that was more than what we agreed on, go ahead."

Oh, Draco didn't need to have a confession from her to know that there was more going on than what they agreed on. But it was useless trying to convince her, she was too stubborn for her own good.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now