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The world will never have enough words to have described this moment in Draco's life. Because for once, all was well. For once— she was there and all of her was promised to be his forever.

Draco had never seen a prettier sight. To have her in a wedding dress, her eyes just as teary as his, and a smile on her lips even if her mouth was quivering. He pinched himself when she walked down the aisle with Theo escorting her— just because he couldn't stop bugging them about it.

Family members and friends in the crowd teared up, too, holding hands on their hearts as the beautiful bride got to meet her groom at the alter.

Their vows were breathtaking, using all the loving words that had gathered in their hearts over the years. Once the words were spoken, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride", Draco took her by her waist, and laughed with pure joy as he kissed her. And he kissed her. And kissed her. And kissed her.

The newly weds shared the news about the little one on the way after their first dance. Everyone was so overjoyed— Pansy even screamed. Narcissa got to meet her daughter in law for the first time, and grew quite fond of the girl, congratulating Draco on finding himself such a wonderful wife.

The couple barely took their eyes off each other. They had everything they wanted—absolutely everything.

Her usual nightmares started to mix with softer dreams every now and then, their bond healing more and more overtime. Fights lessened until they were almost none at all, words of trust were exchanged and they learned to communicate better. All for the sake of their future— their unborn child.

During her pregnancy, Draco was a walking panic attack most days. But he did everything he could to take care of her. During labor, he stayed strong, and let out a few tears when they could finally meet their beautiful baby girl.

April 17th 2003

"Hey, sweetheart." Draco greets his wife with a kiss on her cheek after he returns from visiting his mother, his heart still pounding in his chest, even after all these years. She smiles, brushing a few hairs away from his forehead. "Can you go wake her? She was crying quite a lot before she fell asleep. The poor thing misses her Daddy." Elena laughed.

A corner of his mouth lifted. Their little troublemaker had taken after Draco with her attachment issues already. "What a suprise." Draco grinned, walking into his daughter's bedroom.

Draco let out a laugh when he found the three-year-old already wide awake, laying on her back in her crib. "Oh, oh— someone's already up," Draco said, picking the smiling girl up and setting her on his hip. "There's my pretty girl. Did you have a nice sleep?"

Daphne Malfoy was the absolute perfect mix of her parents. She got her quietness and sweet personality from her mother, while taking after her father with her blonde hair and her dramatic anger outbursts every now and then.

She nodded, resting her head on Draco's shoulder, who pressed a few kisses to his daughter's hair. He went back into the kitchen with Daphne in his arms, and turned back to Elena. "Do you think she'll like it, spending so much time away from you?" Draco asked his wife softly.

"It'll only be for a week. Work won't be as busy after that, we all have to get started somewhere." She said. Elena starting her new job at The Ministry, to work as an Auror in training. She felt like it was time for her to go out more and find a passion of her own. She'd wanted this for a while.

"We're lucky that she likes her aunts Hermione and Pansy— otherwise we'd be doomed," Draco said, stroking his fingers over Daphne's warm cheek. "We'll take her to visit my mum tomorrow."

Elena took the sight in of the two together, her heart blooming with joy. These three years had been amazing— and she didn't expect less. Draco was a wonderful father and husband, making all of the pain and hardship almost entirely worth it.

The fight that led to this life was traumatic, intense, brutal, and worth it to Draco. He would do it all over again, knowing what he knew then. To have her as his wife was a prize worth any kind of pain. And he would do anything— absolutely anything to keep it this way. It wasn't just Elena anymore, they had a daughter—more to fight for.

Having her start a new job was terrifying for Draco. They'd fought so much because of it, because the thought of her being out in the world with other men terrified him to the core. But she asked for trust, so he tried. It were the other men he didn't trust.

The charm that sat in the scar on her thigh allowed Draco to control her without her knowing, still. That idea comforted him, that perhaps she could try to leave, but he would always be able to make her find her way back to him.

After all, they were meant to be, were they not?

He had meant every word of his promise when he said he would never hurt another soul again. But what if it became inevitable? What if Draco had to take a soul to avoid losing her?

What if everything would start all over again?

Maybe he was the monster at the end of the bed after all. Maybe this was what he just was—evil. Perhaps he had been right after all. Perhaps he himself had been a living nightmare all along.

What would happen if he could no longer control these thoughts— those urges to take matters into his own hands? What would happen if the promise he made would start to shatter, and he'd risk his relationship with both his wife and daughter to simply keep the three of them together?

What if those thoughts were already winning?


To be continued— soon.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now