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Elio left a little bit after nine that night. Elena tried to entertain herself by reading and organizing some parts of their room. But it had been three hours, and he was still at work. He said that he'd owl her if plans would change, so she finally received a letter around one in the morning.


Work is gonna take much longer, I probably have to stay the night at a motel somewhere close. I hate the idea of you being all alone on Christmas. Pack a small bag and come apparate to stay here, love. You know where I am, I put the location on the back of the letter in case you forgot.

Be safe,


She immediately rushed out of her bed, opening her closet and stuffing a bunch of clothes into her bag. Elio was right, she didn't want to be alone on Christmas, it was more than depressing. She didn't change her clothes, but left herself in her black sweatpants and green sweater.

The thought of walking through the woods by herself was an absolute nightmare. But Elio was investigating a crime scene, of course it wasn't a beautiful five star hotel that she'd have to go to. She grabbed her wand from her desk, thinking and picturing the location clearly in her mind.

Then she was apparating— and she hated it once again. Apparating made her feel dizzy and nauseous, plus the amount of times she'd ended up in the wrong place was embarrassing.

When she spinning ended, air was knocked into her body when her feet hit the ground. She opened her eyes and shivered at the sight of the dark, foggy woods. Maybe she should've thought about wearing a coat or any type of warm clothing.

"Elio..?" She said, rubbing a hand over her upper arm, looking around. He said he'd be here in the area with his colleagues, but she didn't hear or see anything. Her steps creaked in the snow, her feet numb because of the thin shoes she was wearing. Her heart had started to pound.

This didn't feel good.

Her pace fastened, almost running around to find him. The whole scene was creeping her out. She looked but didn't see anything but fog. Until she turned left, the moon lighting up her path as her eyes fell on something human.

"Elio..?" Her voice shook from both the cold and fear when she stepped closer, narrowing her eyes to make out what it was. Her whole body and soul went ice cold when she saw it— her worst nightmare.

There was a body on the floor, half covered in snow, half covered in blood. A hollow ache shot right through her heart, unable to blink, to move, to swallow, to do anything. Because this wasn't just a body— she could recognize that shiny golden ring anywhere. It was the end of everything.

Just as she was about to crouch down and let the pain take her over, an arm snaked around her waist. She gasped as she was pulled against someone's body, a cloth being pressed against her mouth. No, no, no, no, no— this couldn't be happening.

Just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare, just a nightmare.

The cloth smelled odd and too strong. The person kept her back pressed against their rock hard chest, their hand with the cloth clamped over her mouth. She struggled and sobbed and begged silently but everything went black before it could work.

The cause of all this took his hand off her mouth, throwing the cloth on the ground. Draco held her limp body in his arms, turning her around so he could finally take a look at her again.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now