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Draco woke up with a tiny gasp around two o'clock at night, looking around him to check if what he'd just dreamed about was real. When he put his head back down on the pillow, he heard a soft sleepy moan. He felt his entire body warm up when he saw the love of his life sleeping next to him.

Her leg was draped over Draco's body, which caused them to be touching, and their faces only inches away. Draco shifted his body a bit, groaning in frustration when he felt how hard he was. To make things worse, her lower body was only an inch away from his crotch. "Fuck.." He whispered while remembering the dream.

'Why did it have to be a dream?' He thought, resting his hand on the pillow next to his head. She looked so adorable when she was sleeping. Draco was still processing the fact that she was sleeping in his bed, with him. "You drive me insane.." Draco said so softly that he knew it wouldn't wake her up.

"I wish that you could read my mind so you'd understand. Words will never be big enough to explain how much I feel for you." Draco whispered, now staring at her lips that were slightly parted. "I wasn't just glad that you didn't go on that date because I hated him," Draco said, then paused for a few seconds. "It's because I can't stand the thought of you being with anyone else."

Exactly after Draco said this, Elena shifted her body, which caused her to pull Draco closer to her with her leg. The feeling of pleasure that went through Draco's lower body was too intense. "F-Fuck..." He whimpered, facing his head down into the pillow after so she would not wake up from this.

She let out some sleepy sounds, moving a bit more which only caused Draco to let out more whimpers. He should wake her up, shouldn't he? He couldn't ignore the feeling anymore. Of course, he had experienced it with his pillow before, pretending it was her, but it was real now. No more stupidity— reality instead.

"The things you do to me.." Draco hissed underneath his breath, still so soft. He was frustrated. There was so much going on in his body. His eyes stopped at her lips, and he had the worst thoughts clouding his mind. She won't wake up—I just need it—just a little one, nothing more..

He brought his face closer, absolutely hating himself for the way he was thinking and feeling. Draco fluttered his eyes closed when he felt his lips brush hers, and he placed the tiniest and gentlest kiss on them, euphoria spreading through his body. He pulled away, ashamed of what he had done, but unable to ignore how nice that was.

He knew that he needed more, but he could not do that to her, she trusted him. He wanted nothing more than to keep it that way. The thought that he sorta just had his first kiss and he gave her hers drove him fucking insane. It wasn't a kiss kiss, but it was something. This was nothing compared to how he wanted to kiss her.

Draco widened his eyes when he realized that his lips had touched hers. He touched his soft lips with his fingers, wishing to have more from her, many more kisses. Elena suddenly moved her arm, taking Draco's shirt into her hand.

He sucked in a huge breath, unable to exhale properly when she also moved her head closer to his chest. "You're not making this easier, sweetheart.." Draco sighed. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to hold her or not. She let out another sleepy sound, completely pressed up against his chest now.

Draco tried to move his arm and accidentally touched her shoulder too hard, so she started to wake up. "Fuck, fuck, fuck.." Draco thought, his cheeks getting redder when she fluttered her eyes open. "Draco.." Elena whispered tiredly, her eyes opening and closing again. "Mhm?" Draco hummed, scolding himself again.

"I'm cold.." She whispered, grabbing onto his shirt. "Oh," Draco said, clearing his throat. "Do you want another blanket?" He asked, not even sure if he had another blanket. "Can't you just warm me up?" She asked, her voice just as tired as her face.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now