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Draco woke up alone the next morning. Her side of the bed was empty— touched by his hand that lacked the warmth of her body.

Waking up slowly wasn't an option for Draco. Though he knew they were on better terms, he wondered if he might never get over the fear of her changing her mind and running away.

He got out of bed, putting on his sweatpants before hurrying out of the room. His heart was pounding dramatically— his breathing shallow as the same thought wandered through his head.

She's left me.

"Jesus— what's the rush? I didn't drink up all the coffee, calm down." His favorite voice sounded when he entered the living area. A weight fell off his shoulders. There she was, sitting by the window with a mug in her hands, her hair a little mess.

Draco rubbed a hand over his face, his heart now racing because he was looking at her, instead out of fear. "Can't you just stay in bed in the morning?" He sighed, opening up a window to let some the winter air through. "I couldn't fall back asleep, so why would I stay?" She said, shrugging.

"Maybe so we can wake up together and start our day slowly?" Draco said, a corner of his mouth lifting. He didn't tell her the real reason, of course— it wouldn't change anything. "Draco, is it truly that bad? It took you five seconds to get from the bedroom to me." She chuckled.

"You don't get it." Draco mumbled, looking down at the floor. She put down her mug, pressing her lips together. "You can be angry with me later. Let's just eat now, and we'll see what you want to do about it after." She said, getting up from the sofa.

Draco's stomach warmed up at the thought. A grin covered his face. "I wasn't talking about sex, you perv." She said, softly pushing his chest as she walked past him. "Sure you weren't."


While brushing their teeth together in the bathroom, Draco thought about his plans for today. He stared at her in the mirror, and he didn't care that she noticed. Having him stare at her was far from unusual, she'd been through worse.

Draco was stroking his fingers through her hair once they were done, kissing her head. She fluttered her eyes close. "Now what will you do if I get out of bed again tomorrow morning?" She whispered.

"I might just tie your wrist to mine to prevent that from happening." Draco answered. She turned around, raising her eyebrows. "So mean.." She muttered, supressing a smile. He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. "As long as you remember that." He said, leaning his face down.

Draco attempted to kiss her, but she teasingly turned her head away. "Be kind to me first." She said, her heart rate picking up from the look in his eyes. "Oh, I can be very kind if I want," Draco mumbled, kissing her cheek instead, feeling her muscles loosen. "But I think you secretly prefer it when I'm mean."

Oh, how awfully right he was.

"Shut up.." She whispered, her eyes half-closed as he kissed down to her jaw. "'Shut up'? Who's being mean now, hm?" Draco said, sliding his hands underneath her shirt. Warmth collided in her belly. Draco took advantage of this distraction to kiss her on her mouth. "There we go.." he mumbled.

To be petty, she put her hand on his chest and pushed him off, even when she wanted nothing more than to kiss him. "You are being awfully distant today. What is it?" Draco grumbled, letting go of her. He followed her as she walked out of the bathroom. "I'm not being distant. I enjoy teasing you."

"Do you, now?" Draco said, chasing after her when she ran for the bedroom, laughing softly. He shut the door so she wouldn't run again, rushing towards her and grabbing her hips. "You're not fast enough to escape me. Besides, you don't have enough room to run away from me in this house."

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now