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Draco Malfoy,
"I am the villain of this story."

I was the evil one and the one that was supposed to die at the end, but that's not always how it works, is it? We don't always get what we deserve or what we want, or what we want. People could choose to not be villains, to be good and live life like normal people, but I had never been given that choice.

Why you may ask.
Well, the thing was,

The devil and I went along just fine.

I believed that a part of him lived inside of me, causing me to be so villainous. I did bad things all the time, but I did them really well, so I had no point in feeling guilty whatsoever. My father taught me to achieve instead of fail. 'To fail in life is to fail me,' He used to say. He stopped using his fists as a punishment when he realized that there was nothing more painful than silence.

No human being was capable of existing a hundred percent out of pure evil, but I did feel like that most of the time. I did however excuse my actions. I was doing it all for love. Everything I did— every breath I took was to keep existing in her world. The girl for whom I would've ripped apart the whole world with my bare hands if that meant that we would've been together at the end of the story, our story.

Not only was I cryptic and evil for growing up in a home without warmth and love, but I also learned how to survive the cold. I became it and continued to freeze everything I touched— break everything I loved because I could not hold something without crushing it in my bloodstained hands.

My feelings for her were deeper than love, it was everything I couldn't describe. Maybe I would've been able to talk about it more if I loved her less.

Love was slipping beyond my reach and it was terrifying me. All of the solutions seemed to have no good outcomes for the people around me. I was skilled at being selfish, so maybe it was time again.

First, Elio Black.

He wanted to fight,
So I was going to bring him a goddamn war.

Third person

How wonderful and how strange, to be loved by someone who hates all. It's a privilege to be seen as something so soothing when all you feel is drained and rotten from the inside out.

Draco never believed himself to be worthy of love. He loved her without expecting anything in return. But when it was returned, he became greedy. Always wanting more, never settling for less.

She'd developed a connection with him that was so tangled into the cracks of her heart that it beat with ease only if it was fed with his love. Now she'd screamed into pillows and cried rivers for loving him in the first place, but it all had no use.

He was everything she wanted but she never dared to say it out loud.

And yes, she missed him. She missed him so much that silence wasn't comfortable anymore— it crept up at night and embraced her like a cold blanket only to remind her that this was all her fault. Her fault for loving him and her fault for wanting him back. She missed feeling excited about life.

Elena knew that besides everything she missed, he did something bad and she was unable to trust him at that very moment. Maybe someday she'd be able to give in to her feelings again. But right now she had to fight her own heart and choose her mind.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now