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When they got back home, they couldn't help but talk about the upcoming wedding. They both decided they didn't want to wait long, and wished to marry within a month. Elena was full of excitement, unknowingly having put on those rose-colored glasses that came with falling in love.

They picked out a date mid february, Draco specifically suggested that date because he remembered it to be the date of their first kiss.

The invitations were simple. Draco wrote the names down on a piece of paper. He suggested to invite Blaise, Pansy, and Theo as his friends, and she added Luna, Ron, Neville, Harry, and Hermione. She'd grown closer with them over the years, and Draco wouldn't mind inviting them, even if Harry's godfather was Elio's dad.

The next talk was about which family members to invite. She wasn't close to her family, she never had been. Her parents were currently traveling in Europe, but she didn't have much contact with them. They knew about Draco, so she decided to just send them a letter, without an invite.

"How about your family?" She asked him.

"I'll invite my mother and my aunt," Draco said, wrapping his arm around Elena as they were sat on the couch together. "You know I don't care much for my father— I haven't spoken to him in years. So there's no need to invite him."

"That's okay." She says softly, placing a comforting kiss to his cheek. "You know, I've never met your mother before."

"Well, brace yourself. My mother is going to adore you and send you millions of letters every week." Draco chuckled, taking her hand and holding it firmly. She, who never had a strong parental figure, couldn't help but warm up at the thought. "That'd be nice, actually. I think I'll like her, too."

Draco looked at her, lost in thought from imagining her in a wedding dress. When he thought about it too hard, it felt like it was still a dream.

"Right, how about I go make us some food?" Draco grinned, softly patting her thigh. "That'd be amazing. I'll go make the bed— should've done that this morning." She smiles, getting up from the couch along with him. "I can do it later." Draco said.

"Absolutely not. You don't have to do everything. Since I'm a terrible cook, you can take care of that part." She said sternly.

"You know I don't mind doing things for you." He chuckled, placing a little kiss on the bridge of her nose. "I know, but I will make the bed." She laughed, her cheeks growing hot. They always did whenever he'd touch her— even after all those years.

"How about we watch a movie or a tv show after that?" Draco asked, then turned his head to look out the window. "It's raining now anyway."

"Perfect idea." She said, quickly kissing his cheek before making her way over to the bedroom. Draco couldn't help but smile as he watched her back.


Two episodes into the horror show they had started to watch, and she was snuggling closer and closer to him with the minute. Draco loved it. He loved wrapping his arms around her, pulling her against his body to warm her up. He loved how he'd ask her 'are you scared?' when she moved closer, and she'd stubbornly lie and say 'no'.

Her head was on his chest at this point, his hands resting on her belly. Draco had been placing soft kisses on her hair, trying his hardest to focus on the show. She'd turn her head every now and then to check if he was still watching, but all he'd do was take his chance to kiss her on the lips.

"You're not paying attention." She giggled, fluttering her eyes half-close from the soft kisses he started to leave on her neck. "You're distracting me." He whispered, finding the remote and pressing pause. "I'm not even doing anything." She smiled.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now