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This was not the plan,

It was never the plan to make Elena leave him. He never actually believed that she would do it, but she did. She had been avoiding him for three days now, and the world seemed quieter. Draco had never counted himself to be sane, but now that she was gone, he'd actually lost his mind.

His days had been a never-ending cycle ever since she left. He got up after sleeping very little and just looked forward to watching her during breakfast. Draco went to his classes while staring at her the whole time, exactly the reason why he forgot to turn in several homework assignments. After class he'd go to the library to watch her some more, leaving exactly two minutes after she did. Then before bed, he'd stay in the common room, drinking unhealthy amounts of alcohol before going to sleep around three am. Life was torture already.

And it had only been three days.

Of course, it was unhealthy, but it was all he could do to cope now. If he tried to talk to her again, he would ruin everything even more, he had to give her some time. Time to process his lies, and maybe forgive him in the future. He was angry all the time, mostly angry that she didn't even open the presents that he spent loads of money on.

She, on the other hand, tried to stay away from alcohol and anything else that would damage her more than he had. Still, her eyes seemed cold and lifeless at times, even Luna had noticed. Things were different with him gone.

It was around eleven at night when she arrived in her dorm room, closing the door with a sigh. This whole secret thing with Elio was exhausting. They weren't together, she had no intention of becoming his girlfriend, he was her friend. She needed someone to talk to and he helped distract her.

"Jesus Christ.." Elena sighed when she saw another small gift box placed on her nightstand. There were two others next to the new one because she hadn't opened any of them. Draco continued to buy her presents. She'd thought about telling him to stop, but she didn't— that'd actually require her to talk to him. She also thought about locking her door, but Draco's a wizard, he knew perfectly well how to 'abracadabra' it open.

The box was a bit bigger this time, with another card tied to the ribbon. It was always a black box with a forest green ribbon. She didn't dare to open it, but she wanted to, so badly.

"Fuck it." She mumbled, took hold of the three boxes, and sat down on her bed. She started with the first gift, the one he gave her three days ago, the night after she left him. She turned the little card around that was attached to it. "For my darling El," it said in his cursive, neat handwriting. She hated the butterflies that the card gave her.

She put the card down on her nightstand and took the ribbon off the box. Her heart seemed to want to escape from her body— too many feelings, it was barely surviving. She opened the box, gasping softly when she saw a silver necklace inside of it. It was a plain silver heart, but when she turned the charm around, it read;

"My heart is yours,

She didn't know whether she wanted to strangle him with it or wear it for eternity. Maybe she was supposed to hate herself when she smiled a little. It was wrong, she wasn't supposed to like it. Every voice in her head was telling her to throw it away. But it was beautiful and she loved the writing.

She took the necklace out of the box and clasped it around her neck, hiding it underneath her shirt. Draco couldn't find out that she was wearing it, it'd only boost his ego and make him think that she wanted him back. She didn't.

Elena opened another box, frowning at the pair of lacy black underwear. Draco wasn't a saint, she knew all about that, but this was a lot— even for him.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now