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Elena sighed in frustration as she turned on her other side again— having trouble to fall back asleep after she woke up an hour ago. Draco was peacefully sleeping, so she took the chance to stare.

There wasn't supposed to he anything nice about it, to stare at him and feel her heart race. He looked too angelic while sleeping, too beautiful to be a devil in disguise. And she was intoxicated by him, she gave him access to her heart last night.

If what she had done was so bad, then why did she lean in to give him a kiss? Giving into her feelings felt too good, that was the dangerous part. She gave him a soft little kiss, his hand starting to move. He was waking up and she was supposed to stop and go back to sleep, but she couldn't.

"Hey, sweetheart.." Draco mumbled tiredly, leaning in and kissing her in slow movements. She sighed in relief this time, stroking her fingers over his back. "Can't sleep..?" He whispered in a low voice, grabbing her thigh and draping it over his hip. "Not really." She said, moving closer to him.

"Why's that?" Draco asked, while he kissed over her face instead to give her room to speak. "I don't know." She lied, receiving soft kisses on her cheek, her forehead, her temples, her eyelids, and even the tip of her nose. "You don't have to lie. You can tell me." He grinned, brushing her hair out of her face. There was no other choice than to tell him.

"I was just thinking about us." She admitted, receiving the same warm feelings between her legs again when he kissed slowly over her neck. "Fuck, I love that word.." He groaned softly, placing his hand on her waist, sliding up and down. "What? Us?" She asked with a little frown. "Yes.." He grinned.

Draco pushed her down onto her back, coming to lay down on top of her. She whimpered from the nice feeling of his weight on her, spreading her legs so he had better access. This was wrong— but she couldn't find the strength to push him off.

He kissed her lips, then her cheek, followed by a kiss on her neck and then on her collarbone. They were soft, yet it felt like he left a mark on her skin with each one. "You can be very sweet.." She whispered, pressing the heels of her feet into the mattress. "Only for you." Draco said, kissing down.

She gasped when he placed a slightly wet kiss just above her cleavage. It wasn't enough— she wanted him to move down and kiss her whole body. "Keep going.." She whispered stupidly when he took his lips away from her chest because he thought he couldn't go down any further.

Draco looked her into her eyes, frowning in shock. They hadn't done anything intimate besides kissing and what they did last night, this was new. She moved her hands to the nightdress that she was wearing, taking the left strap down her shoulder. "No, I want to do that.." Draco whispered.

He replaced her hands with his, slowly playing with the strap. "Have you erhm— have you ever done this before..?" Draco asked her, turning a bit nervous when he realized that what he'd dreamed of for so long was actually happening. "No, you..?" She said, her belly aching with butterflies.

Draco shook his head, then leaned in and gave her a kiss on her lips while both of his hands took the straps down her shoulders. "Are you sure that you want to do this..?" He asked, looking her into her eyes and finding what he had been seeking for so long. Love. "Yes, are you?" She asked him.

"Yes, yes— I want this if you want it.." Draco said, feeling himself harden at the mere thought of finally doing this. "I want this.." She whispered, her heart pounding against her ribs. "You'll hate me in the morning, though." Draco said, the straps of the dress between his fingers— ready to pull it down her body. "Yeah—well, I hate you already so.." She smiled.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now