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The cold air woke Elena up. When her eyes opened, she saw that the window was cracked open. Whether he had done it or it opened by accident didn't matter, it was freezing in the room and she wouldn't be able to sleep if it remained open.

Draco was sleeping on his side next to her, half of his face pressed in to the pillow. She smiled at the sight, getting up from the bed. She winced from the soreness in her body, slightly limping towards the window and pressing it close, twisting the lock.

Heat returned between her thighs when she went to lie back down in bed. She snuggled closer to Draco, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "I'm cold, my love. Will you hold me..?" She whispered, watching him stir a little in his sleep.

She kissed his mouth ever so softly, running her fingers through his hair. "Hi.." Draco whispered when he awoke, the corners of his mouth lifting. "I'm cold. The window was open." She said, crawling into his arms when she was able to. "You're naked, sweetheart. Of course you're cold."

"I blame the man who undressed me." She mumbled, softly kissing his neck. Draco could not find a better reason to wake up in the middle of the night. "Christ, you really are cold." He said, wrapping his arm around her body.

Draco lit the fireplace with the mutter of a charm, giving them the ability to see each other clearly again. Her eyes moved down to his chest, where her initials had been carved into his skin. Draco had used the magical ointment to heal it faster, so the wound wasn't that nasty looking anymore.

"Does it hurt..?" She whispered, hovering her fingers over the letters of her name. "Yes, but I like it." Draco said, brushing the tip of his nose over hers. "Give me a kiss.." He whispered, licking his lips. She smiled, placing her hand on his waist, gently scratching her nails over his skin.

She kissed his mouth, feeling him start to smile into the kiss, pulling her closer by her neck. Her hand traveled down his waist, down his hip, brushing her fingers tenderly over the skin. "Fuck, I just want to kiss you forever.." He whispered, rolling over on top of her, intensifying the kiss.

Being like this with him was something she was going to have to get used to. Three years ago, they had this for no more than a day, then she was taken by him and hated his guts for weeks— now that all of it was starting to change, she couldn't help but feel nervous due to all the changes in her life.

"Draco," She whispered in a breathy voice, moving her hand to his head, stroking his wavy hairs. Her heart had started to pound again. "Hmm..?" He lovingly kissed her cheekbones, and the entire rest of her face in slow movements. "I'm sorry.." She said, scratching her nails over his scalp.

"Sorry for what, love?" Draco asked, kissing her forehead before brushing his lips over hers. "I'm sorry for all the mean things I did to you.." She whispered. The guilt was still there, also mixed with fear and hidden emotions she didn't want to explore, but the biggest part of her felt awful when she thought about everything that happened.

Draco stopped his kisses for a moment and looked her into her eyes. "You already apologized, princess." He said with a smile of disbelief, stroking his fingers over the apple of her cheek. "Not nearly enough." She whispered, her breath stolen away from the way he was staring at her. "It's okay." He said.

"Besides, I've got lots more to apologize for," He said, and she couldn't contradict him on that one. "But I'm only sorry for hurting you. I'll never be sorry for hurting others." Draco placed a kiss on her lips, his thumb continuing to stroke her cheek.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now