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She gasped as she awoke from another nightmare that was definitely going to be her last one for today. She usually woke up later in the morning, but no way she was going back to sleep. Two nightmares a night was two too many.

It'd take awhile for her nightmares to stop, she knew that perfectly well. People don't usually move on that fast after seeing a corpse, especially if it's the corpse of a loved one— then find out that loved one betrayed you and painted you as the villain. Elio hated her for loving Draco when he was secretly with another. It was hypocritical.

There was only one thing in the whole house that could comfort her, and sadly enough that was also the person who caused all of this. Last night was kind of a blur to her, mostly because she was refusing to admit it happened at all. From how she let Draco hold her to the way he spoke to her— how he talked about her as if she was a goddess..

Draco was sleeping on his back, slow and steady breaths coming from his nose. She told herself to stop staring, wiping a tear away with her sleeve before gently tapping his arm. "Draco?" Elena whispered, sniffing softly.

He let out little tired sounds, his hands starting to move. She took her fingers away from his arm, ashamed with herself that she even touched him at all. Draco awoke peacefully, turning his head and his gaze softening when he saw her. His brows furrowed when he saw her tear stained cheeks.

"What's the matter, El?" He murmured, lifting a hand to gently tuck her hair behind her ear. "Just a nightmare." She said, cringing at the liking she took to this gesture. "C'mere." He said, opening his arms. There wasn't much to do to avoid this now. She woke him, now she had to deal with the consequences of what happens when he sees her cry.

She moved towards him and put her head down on his chest, her heart aching with guilt for both betraying herself and the dead. Yes, Elio did betray her, but he didn't deserve to have his girlfriend being all sweet to his killer.

"How long have you been awake?" Draco whispered softly, running his hand through her hair while he kissed the top of her head too much for her to ignore it. "Couple of minutes.." She muttered, the comforting scent of his shirt making her shut her eyes and curse out the universe silently.

"Feels like we're still teenagers sometimes, hm?" Draco whispered, his mind clouded with flashbacks as he took in the desirable scent of her hair. "But everything's changed now." She said, flexing her hand as she fought back the urge to place it on his abdomen. "I know." Draco said.

He kissed the top of her head one more time. "Do you want to eat?" Draco asked, though dreading to get up and go without her warm little body pressed up against him. Then she got up, clearing her throat. She nodded, clenching her jaw and absolutely hating herself for doing this.

"I'll go make you something, love." Draco said, sitting up and kissing her temple quickly.

She left the basement with him, entering the kitchen with a relieved sigh. The cottage wasn't as scary in the daylight as it was when the sun went down. She was able to see more now, so she looked around. Her eyes soon enough fell on the front door, wondering whether it was locked.

Was it a simple "Alohomora" charm she needed? Maybe it would work if she were to steal his wand and break the enchantments on the door—

Her gaze shifted to the windows. Some were small, but he had two windows that were large enough to climb through if she were to unlock it. Maybe Draco hadn't locked them, and the things he said were just idle threats. But she would never be quick enough, Draco never let her out of his sight.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now