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Separate dreams from reality, they say. Well, it doesn't exactly help that dreams can feel even realer than reality sometimes. Because if she was correct, she was either being haunted, dreaming, or there was some kind of magical way that made it possible for her to be looking at Elio.

"Look at you," The corpse spoke— the horrifying corpse than looked even more terrible than what she imagined it would. His skin was gray with blue and purple spots on it from the cold, from lying dead in the snow for God knows how long. There was blood, there was so much blood and she couldn't breathe.

"Cuddling in bed with the man who murdered me. Are you proud of yourself?" Elio spoke, bringing his hand to his throat, running his fingers over the bleeding wound. "You say you won't forgive him, but we both know that you will."

Elio took a step closer to the bed, and Elena could not move away. Her eyes were focused on the blood, the blood that was dripping onto the floor. "We were together for three years, yet all it takes for you to move on is a couple days, some manipulation and lies from this monster." Elio said, pointing at Draco who was sound asleep next to her.

"He's incapable of love, all he does is destroy. But try if you want to— try to love him and watch it kill you," Elio laughed, it sounded hollow. She just shook her head, wishing she could speak. Why couldn't she? "You're a fool— a fool blinded by love. I warned you from the beginning, you wouldn't listen."

When she looked down at her hands, they were covered in blood. She knew why, she immediately knew why. She was just as guilty as Draco. She killed Elio too. "You'll see. Maybe not now, maybe not in a month, but someday. It's a pity I won't be around to watch it happen. Sadly I won't be able to say "I told you so."'

Anger burned in her throat, so hot that she found a way to speak, to choke out some words. "You cheated, you lied!" Her voice was hoarsh, it hurt to speak. "I saw the fucking letters!"

Elio merely tilted his head, tutting softly underneath his breath. "And who told you that?" He said, his eyes moving to Draco. Her body went cold. No, this was just a dream— she saw the letters. She saw Elio's handwriting. "Get out of my head."

A hand closed around her throat.

And with that, she awoke. The dream was still burned into the back of her mind. She didn't even know why she screamed when she came back to the real world. Draco awoke immediately, turning towards her. "What's wrong..?" He gasped, grabbing her face into both of his hands.

"T-There's someone here! There's someone in the.. house." She cried, the pressure on her throat finally fading. It felt too real— too real to be fake. "You just had a bad dream, my love. C'mere.." Draco said, kissing her softly on her forehead, stroking his thumbs over her cheeks.

"I-I know what I saw." She whispered hoarsely, trying to break free from his grip. Draco frowned to himself, remembering he had to redo the charms on the property today. "No one can hurt you, not when I'm here." He said, holding her tighter when he noticed she didn't want him to.

"Shh, come to me..come to me," Draco whispered, pulling her into his arms. She had nowhere else to go, so she put her head down on his chest and closed her eyes. His arms around her felt like a trap, a trap she could never out of. "That's right. You're safe with me." He said softly.

He's incapable of love, all he does is destroy.
Try to love him and watch it kill you.

She shouldn't listen to her dreams, they weren't real. But the words kept creeping through her mind, paralyzing her when his hands touched her. Her mind was a maze where he knew the way, but she didn't— she got lost and lost and Draco just showed up at every exit.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now