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Trigger warning:
Some scenes could be seen as disturbing.

I've been feeling grey lately. Yes, it's a color, but also a way to describe how awful my brain works at times. I always feel like I'm just half-something, never fully anything. I want to be everything or nothing. I don't want to be incomplete. But that's how I always feel. I've never known the colors black or white, it's always grey.

My life got a bit better at Hogwarts, but was still quite depressing sometimes. I only had one friend, and she wasn't even in my class. My housemates hated me because I represented nothing of Slytherin's qualities. They never even tried to get to know me, because I know me— and I know that I was put in Slytherin for a reason.

I thought that love would save me. That's what I've always read in books, so I still wholeheartedly believe in it. I've never really been a girl that guys like to look at or talk about. Even though I didn't show it, I was glad I was finally asked out.

It was another cold Saturday morning, and I got ready for my date with Nate. I wanted to look pretty, even if I wasn't looking forward to it. I'd tried on several outfits but hated how I looked in all of them. It took me an hour to find the right clothes, and even that was still mediocre.

When I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror and started doubting. What if he didn't like it?


I left my dorm quickly, trying to ignore my insecurities. The butterflies in my stomach were supposed to be a good thing. Maybe I had been rude and Nate was indeed a nice guy. I waited right outside of the Great Hall for him to come out. I didn't feel like eating breakfast this morning anyway.

I caught a glimpse of Draco in the corner of my eye and stepped forward to greet him, but then I saw Nate coming out of the Great Hall. I took in a deep breath, walking towards him.

"Nate?" I said, wondering why he was avoiding my gaze even if I was a hundred percent sure that he wasn't deaf. "Nate!" I said, waving my hand in front of his face. He clenched his jaw, finally looking at me. "Thank you for your attention. Are you ready?" I asked with a frown, crossing my arms.

"We can't go out anymore. Sorry." He said quietly, barely audible. He looked like he hadn't slept at all. "Excuse me? This was your idea. Weren't you the one practically begging me?" I scoffed, shaking my head in disbelief. The audacity of this man—

"We shouldn't be talking. I have to go, I'm sorry.." He said hoarsely, looking around the corridors like a paranoid freak before walking away from me. I just stood there, looking down at the stupid outfit I wasted my entire morning on. How terrible to not even be good enough for a git like him.

"Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice ask me, so I turned my head to look at them. I was met by Draco. It was such a relief to see a friendly face, even if I was too embarrassed to let anyone know about this. But Draco already knew I was going on a date, I told him about it last night.

"I'm fine— just confused.." I said, still staring at Nate's back as he finally disappeared from my sight.
"Did something bad happen?" Draco asked, grabbing my upper arm, and taking me away from all the people. My belly might have fluttered a bit at his touch. "He doesn't want to go on a date anymore, apparently." I said quietly, still completely puzzled.

Draco crossed his arms over each other, leaning against the wall with his shoulder while listening to me with undivided attention. "There was something odd about his behavior. He probably just wanted to see how easy I was, or maybe he has a better girl to go with instead." I chuckled, but it sounded sad even if I didn't mean to seem upset.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now