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Waking up with her head on Draco Malfoy's chest was the last thing Elena ever expected to happen. Still, she was comfortable and felt happy for the first time in a long time. Everything was exciting. She'd lost her virginity last night— to Draco, and he lost it to her. There was nothing wrong with it. She could move on from what had happened.

Apparently, Draco had woken up too. She received a soft kiss on her hair while his fingers started to gently stroke over her naked back. "Goodmorning, my love." Draco whispered when he heard her let out a little sleepy groan. She smiled, her heart started to race. "Goodmorning." She answered.

"Mm, where are you going..?" Draco mumbled when she started to get up. "To get ready. The others will wake up soon." She grinned, getting out of bed. Her naked body was hit by the cold air. Now, she did go to sleep wearing underwear and a shirt, but she took it off again later that night.

"I thought I dressed you before we went back to sleep?" Draco said with a grin, placing his hands behind his head as he watched her. "You did. I took my clothes off later, it was hot." She said, putting her underwear back on when she found it on the floor. She grabbed Draco's shirt and pulled it over her body, but she was still shivering.

He got out of bed too, only wearing his sweatpants very low on his hips. She stared at him for a few seconds, her face growing hot. It was no lie that last night was the best night of her life, and that she wouldn't mind reliving it again and again.

She went into the bathroom with Draco following her, both starting to brush their teeth. Draco didn't stop staring at her in the mirror, not even for a second. He'd never been this close to happiness before. Last night was perfect in his eyes.

"Staring is rude, Malfoy." She said after they'd finished brushing their teeth. "Try to stop me then." He whispered, grabbing her hips and spinning her around to face him. She smiled, leaning in and placing a small kiss on his lips. "I made you stop for a second." She grinned, her heart racing.

Draco clenched his jaw, staring at her mouth with longing. "Tell me how you feel about last night. Do you hate me?" He asked, his hand threatening to slide underneath her shirt. "You'd know if I hated you," She whispered with raised eyebrows, wrapping her arms around his neck.

A corner of his mouth lifted, and a blush crept onto his face. "And I loved it." She said, looking at his lips again because it was becoming a habit. Draco couldn't believe that this was all happening, it felt like a dream come true. "So did I," He whispered, also staring at her mouth.

"It's only eight. We can stay in bed a little longer." Draco said, his heart starting to thump harder against his ribs. "Good idea. Warm me up.." She said. Draco lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist. She laughed softly, holding onto him while he brought her back into his bedroom.

He put her down in bed with himself on top, pulling the sheets over their bodies before starting to kiss her neck. Every bone in her body was telling her to keep going. She didn't want this to stop. Draco didn't want this to stop either. He finally had what he wanted— he wasn't letting her go now.

Draco then kissed her mouth slow and sweet, caressing her body gently while also making her feel warm between her legs again. "Are you warm now..?" He mumbled, slowly sliding his hand underneath the shirt she was wearing. "Much warmer." She whispered.

He wrapped her legs around his waist, taking his time to kiss her slowly. Draco didn't want to rush, he wanted to feel all of her— just like he did last night. "What class do you have first period?" Draco mumbled, kissing over her cheeks and slowly down her neck. "Why..?" She laughed softly.

"I think that it's important for me to know such things, you know— as your boyfriend." Draco said, grinning like a total idiot as he said the words. Her smile faded a little once she realized that this was real. They'd used the word 'us' but not the official terms yet. She should've known that Draco couldn't even wait to use them.

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