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Elena couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. Her eyes were torn open with shame and— confusion. She walked away after the kiss, and maybe that was why she was so angry with herself. She liked the kiss. Her mind was just clouded and she should've told him that instead of just walking away.

There was no way she could face Draco again after this. But even it was even worse to face Elio, after everything Draco told her about him. She had to talk to either of them someday, she just didn't know how yet. Everything was a mess.

When she left Slytherin house, she saw Luna waiting for her outside of the portrait. "Luna—Good, you're here." She sighed in relief.

"Good morning. What's the matter?" Luna asked softly, as they started their way toward the Great Hall. "I had my first kiss last night." Elena mumbled, but Luna had heard her perfectly well. "Oh, that's nice. With whom?" Luna smiled happily, holding her books tightly to her chest. Elena took in a deep breath. "Draco Malfoy."

Luna turned her head her way and widened her already big eyes. "Oh— that's new. I thought you were just friends. But he's very handsome indeed."

"We were friends, I just don't know what to make of all this." Her voice was soft, but not filled with that much regret. The kiss was everything she desired, she didn't exactly regret kissing him. "Why are you so upset then? Wasn't the kiss nice?" Luna asked.

"No— I mean yes. The kiss was nice, more than that actually, he's wonderful at it, but— I don't know." She sighed, nervous cramps in her stomach as they drew closer to the Great Hall. "Maybe you should just kiss him again. It can help you try to figure out how you feel. Talk to him about your feelings."

"That's the thing— I ran out of his room after it happened. I don't want things to be awkward between us." Elena explained, walking through the doors of the Great Hall with an ache in her belly. "That's why you should talk to him. Just be honest, help him understand you," Luna said. "Good luck." Luna smiled, stroking her friend's hand before sitting down at the Ravenclaw table.

Draco was sitting at the Slytherin table, looking less tense than he did several days ago. Elena talked courage into herself while slowly making her way over to him. "Don't be scared. He's your friend. Everything is still the same as it was." She muttered to herself, lying through her teeth.

Draco looked up from his book when he saw her. His eyebrows raised with surprise, blush creeping onto his face. "Good morning, El." He said in a low voice, a little smile on his face. "Morning." She said quietly, clearing her throat and avoiding his gaze. The tension was killing her.

"Did you sleep well?" Draco grinned. He'd barely slept at all, just like she had. "Yeah, fine." She lied, nodding, and looked around the hall to distract herself. "No more nightmares then, or any other dreams?" Draco asked, obviously hinting that he wanted to talk about it.

"No, nothing." She lied, thinking it might be easier to pretend like she didn't care. Like he said; "the less you want me, the more I want you." It was a challenge for her, to see how far she could go. "No dreams at all?" He chuckled. "How odd."

She was frustrated with his teasing, so she decided to pay him back. "Oh, now that you mention it— I had this dream about a very handsome guy.." She said, pretending like she had to think. "What was his name again? Eli, Eliott— Elio? That's it! Elio. You might know him."

Draco felt anger burning in his heart, yet he concealed it by grinning at her. "Do you remember what I told you last night?" He asked in a strict voice, twisting her insides. "Yes." She said, feeling less brave than she wanted herself to be. "Then listen to me and stay away from him. Got that?" He said.

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