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Three months later.

This was much more than a fight. Draco wasn't allowed to speak to Elena anymore. He barely saw her, only from a long distance during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes when he was lucky he'd get a quick glance at her in the hallway.

And the worst thing was that he had to watch her grow close with Elio. It was torture, painful torture that not only twisted his heart in unbearable ways, but was also the cause of the several broken vases, mirrors and holes in his walls.

It had only been three months. Two years and nine months to go. How would he survive?

Draco's mind had always worked in dark ways, but now he had no other choice but to embrace it. The darkness had scared all the light out, leaving him feeling hollow and exhausted a hundred percent of the time. His thoughts had been violent before, cruelly violent— but things had changed for the worst. Violence was a small word for it.

The only good thing about this was that he'd have plenty of time to come up with a solution, a solution where a happy end will not be guaranteed. At least not for the person that took everything from him. The person he'd hated since day one and would haunt and hunt until the end of time. Until everything was finally going his way again.

Elio just wanted to fight. But Draco was preparing for war. Yes, he had to wait three years. And it'll probably be expected. But at least he'll know what's coming. Draco wanted him to lay awake at night, his thoughts silently eating away his brain as he felt his gut trying to tell him that something is wrong. He will feel that it'll never end until Draco says so.

And it won't be pretty.


It was three months of hanging out with Elio every day. She didn't mind, it's nice and necessary to have a distraction. Elena was starting to enjoy his company more than she already did before. She just needed him around. Whether they sat in silence or he let her talk for hours, she needed him.

Elio was in her room at night, while she was rummaging through her things, trying to find her essay that she wrote a couple days back. "It should be here somewhere. I worked so hard on it. I will literally have a mental breakdown if I lost it.." She said sternly, suddenly gasping. She let go of all the papers in her hands and looked at her finger.

Elio immediately got up from the bed, rushing over to her. "What's the matter?" He said, grabbing her hand, looking at the deeper-than-usual papercut on her finger. "Ouch.." She mumbled, looking to her side. Her insides twisted together— she'd grown to hate blood. It made her sick.

"Oh, come with me." Elio said, gesturing to the bathroom. She went with him, walking towards her sink. "You can have my essay, by the way. I will just write a new one." He smiled, wetting the tip of a towel with warm water, patting it softly onto her finger. "Absolutely not." She said.

"We worked on it together. You can have mine." He said, gently cleaning her finger. She shook her head, raising her hand and wiping a strand of his hair out of his eyes. "I can't let you do that. Besides, I think I'll find it." She lied, smiling up at him. Elio stared at her a little bit too long for it be just friendly.

He hadn't talked about his feelings since the incident. She needed time to heal and move on and he knew he had to give it to her. But it'd been three months, and it looked like she was doing better. What was stopping him now?

"What..?" She asked with a grin as she caught him staring. He grabbed a bandaid out of the left drawer and put it around her finger. "Can I ask you something?" He said, clearing his throat nervously. She nodded, placing her hands behind her, on the sink. "Are you still in love with him?"

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now