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What was the softest way to say that she regretted all of last night? From believing the stupid dream, to fighting with Draco, to allowing him to kiss and touch her after she'd just witnessed him killing a man— all of it was a fucking disaster.

Draco was spooning her so sweetly and comfortably that it almost felt like all of the tragedies never happened at all. She felt safe in the wrong arms, in the arms that could kill her if they wanted to. Her heart wanted to stay there forever.

Draco was softly kissing her hair, stroking his fingers over her upper arm. The best option was for her to get out of bed, but she couldn't get up yet. This was her little moment of peace before she'd have to go to war with her own brain again.

Draco kissed her temple, resting his cheek on the side of her head. She wondered what was going on in his mind, she wanted to know if he felt guilty. "I know you're awake, sweetheart." He whispered. She could hear the smile in his voice. Right, busted. Now she had to face reality again.

"Caught me.." She muttered, staring at the wall infront of her. Draco slid his hand underneath her shirt, placing his warm hand on her belly. "How are you feeling?" He asked, expecting a miracle answer. Maybe he did feel a bit guilty, behind all that sociopathic behavior of his.

"Fine." She whispered, closing her eyes when she thought of the man, the blood, her cowardice. "Sure." Draco chuckled sarcastically, then stroked his thumb over her belly. He didn't believe her, she could've expected that. "You're so warm and soft, I almost want to stay like this forever."

She smiled, releasing a soft sigh. Perhaps giving in was indeed the best option. She'd angered Draco last night with her rejection, perhaps he would not have killed the man if she'd had just kissed him and pretended that all was well. Draco didn't take rejection that well, so maybe she was right.

Maybe the man's death was her fault. And she knew one thing; she never, ever wanted to witness something like that again.

"I'm sorry about last night," Draco said, almost as if he had been reading her mind. "I didn't want you to be a witness, I lost my temper and I harmed you terribly. Please, forgive me, my love.."

Perhaps this was manipulation, or perhaps he really did feel sorry. "It's fine." She mumbled, closing her eyes in the hopes to block out the memory of the blood. "We should talk later. You know, like a real talk. About the dream you had last night, and your feelings. It'd be good for us." Draco said.

Her heart felt at ease in that moment. Draco, willing to be vulnerable in order to mend their relationship with words instead of violence or intimacy— maybe he had indeed had an epiphany after his actions of last night and now wanted to fix his own behavior. It seemed almost too good to be true.

"Yeah, I suppose we should." She whispered, though she thought didn't calm her nerves. She'd never felt like Draco understood her fear of him, nor the pain that came with her hearts biggest desire— all because Draco was a man who enjoyed pain with pleasure, he didn't understand why she hated it so. After all— what's love without heartache?

"We should get out of bed." She said, ignoring her heart furthermore as she took his hand off her belly, sitting up. "Alright then." Draco said, rubbing his eyes when she got up and opened the curtains. It was a sunny day, the snow was melting.

"I'll go make us something to eat." He said, stepping out of bed, stretching a little before leaving the room. She watched his back for a couple of seconds, then her fingers cracked open the window. The cold air soothed her spirit in some ways, cooling down her boiling hot heart and reminding her that not everything had to burn so much.

𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇𝐘; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now