00| Prologue

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-:Cecelia's PoV:-

I was eleven when my parents decided to send me to my maternal grandparents' pack. Evergreen, halfway across the country. I was fat, chubby, whiny, and rather un-alpha like for a pureblood. I was spoiled and pampered by my mother. Too spoiled.

"You can visit every holiday, honey," my mother tried to soothe me. I cried in her arms, begging her to let me stay. But she wouldn't budge. Why? Because my unrelenting father was feet away, silently watching the spectacle we made.

I was a mommy's little girl and daddy's little princess. But my father was aware of the boundaries and my mother was not.

My spoiled ass wouldn't dare cross my father. He was a respectable Alpha.

"Daddy!" I cried like the kid I was, clutching at him and hoping that he'd have mercy. "Please," I sniffed, "Don't send me away!" His eyes softened for a moment -after all, I was his youngest! He wasn't heartless, people, just logical -before they became hard again. I lost hope then.

My fate was set.

"Beta Carson will accompany you, Cecelia," he stated for the hundredth time. "Be good, don't cause him any trouble, or else you can rest assured you won't come home anytime soon." He threatened and I gulped, still crying.

"You will listen to your grandparents, do what they say, start your training, and learn to be an alpha." He continued.

I didn't understand why he would want to train me to be an Alpha when the title will go to my older brother, Aaron. Speaking of, where is he? I looked around, trying to find him while my father talked. Seconds later, an annoyed click of tongue brought my fleeting attention back to my dad. I looked at him sheepishly. He just shook his head, disappointed.

I bowed my head, ashamed.

"Cece!" A voice exclaimed, finally coming about. At the sight of his soft face, I burst into another fit of tears. I heard my father sigh and my mother cry as quietly as she could.

"A-Aar-ron!" I cried in his embrace. He soothed me.

"Hey, hey, calm down," he patted my back. "You'll be back before you know it! And I'll talk to you every day. I promise!"

I sniffled.

"But I don't want to go!" I hiccupped.

"Cece, you have to," his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes were soft and understanding. A car parked outside the house.

"We're ready to go, Alpha," Beta Carson informed us, climbing out. I cried harder, clutching to Aaron as if for dear life.

He gently detached me from himself, holding my shoulders, "Be strong," he said, his eyes glistening with tears. I nodded quickly. I did not want him to cry too.

"I love you, Cece, take care, okay?"

Another nod. He gently pushed me towards the car, where my luggage already seemed to have been stashed.

I climbed into the car, looking back at my family. Dad looked at me with a stoic expression, Mom looked heartbroken and Aaron looked pained.

I caused that. I am the reason behind it.

Something in me cried for that. Protesting. And that made me determined.

I will make sure they never have to suffer because of me. I will change and when I come back, I'll bring back happiness only.




The story is different from what the Prologue makes it seem like. This event is one of the precursors that set the entire story in action and that's why I put it here.

I hope you decide to give this a chance. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts in the comments!!

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Until next time, all my love,

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