15| Theories

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This chapter is dedicated to @user83375555 for adding this book to their reading list! Thank you so much! You made me really happy!!❤❤

-:Ashton's PoV:-

We finally entered the borders of their pack and Julian raced towards the Packhouse. Outside, many people were standing, looking alarmed.

"You'll have to pass her to me," Julian parked the car, unbuckling his seat belt. I growled.

"They don't know you're mates," he pointed out. "All they see you as is their enemy pack's future Alpha."

I clicked my tongue in frustration as I realized he was right. I didn't want to leave Cecelia but I couldn't tell them we were mates, not until she wanted to do so herself. I couldn't take that away from her. I huffed.

"Fine," I forced out. I gently detangled her limbs from mine and opened my door, passing her to Julian. He took her with an apologetic look and ran to the awaiting crowd. It took everything in me to not be close to her then. I walked over to them slowly, Hayden and Noel not too far behind.

Alpha Rivers looked pale and Luna Rivers was crying. A tall authoritative figure with the same hair as Cecelia stood there stiffly, his jaw clenched and his hands fisted. Aaron. Another person seemed to be speaking, her hands moving in the air. Probably the Pack Doctor. My theories were confirmed when she gestured them to hurry inside and they complied. Probably to the medical wing. We followed them too.

They disappeared into a room on the ground floor, the door closing behind them. I was about to follow when Noel stopped me. I glared at him.

'Ashton, don't.' He warned.

'And why not?!' I snatched my hand away from him.

'We're guests here. They don't know you're her mate. They will not understand.' Hayden explained. I scowled and huffed in frustration. Why? I knew they were right, but Cecelia . . .

I slid down against the wall, helpless again. 

And damn the place, I couldn't hear what was going on inside because the fucked doors were soundproof. I pulled at my hair. They looked very distressed when we arrived. The pack doctor had looked horrified.

We sat there a while, waiting anxiously. Just when I was contemplating going in, Julian and the rest filed out.

I stared at Julian expectantly - more like glared but he didn't seem to mind - and he sighed, seating himself beside me on the floor.

"She . . . is unstable," he answered my unspoken question. My heart stopped beating.

"What?" I hissed. I ignored the questioning looks that her family threw me. Alpha Rivers looked mad to see me there but when his gaze shifted to Julian, he scowled and looked away with clenched fists.

Aaron kept looking at us scrutinizing.

"The wolfsbane got to her internal organs," Julian whispered, bringing my attention back to him. "They're saying that it was an extremely concentrated dose."

"So?" I freaked out. "Get the doctor to get it out and fix her!"

"It doesn't work that way," he shook his head sadly.

"I don't fucking care!" I exclaimed, stricken with fear and anxiety.

"Calm down, Ashton!" Hayden called but I couldn't register it. My head pounded and my heart raced. All I could think of was how pale and sick she looked in my arms. So lifeless. 

Just because some sadistic bastard thought it would be fun to mess with her. And that might cost her her life. That might cost me, my mate. That might cost my pack their Luna.

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