10| Missing

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-Cecelia's PoV:-

Safe to say, things were quite awkward after the meeting. Ashton didn't ask me about Julian and I again and I never bothered to clear it up either. Every relationship is a two-way street. It can't be built on just one person's effort. 

It takes two to tango.

I didn't know if we were 'meant to be'. If we were going by the mates' book, I would have said yes. But we weren't, so I didn't know. The bond was growing every day, dragging us deeper into it. The sparks were stronger and so was our physical attraction. 

Our wolves were getting hornier too. We couldn't stop that, it wasn't in our control. However, what we could control was how much we let ourselves know and understand each other and those were the things we chose not to do. After all, you can take the horse to the river, but you can't drink the water on his behalf. Basically, the Goddess had led us to our ideal match, we had to accept them for the whole thing to work.

A week passed by and we received more notes, but this time there was no scent on them except for the smell of Jasmines. It was obviously a cover-up smell. We could never sniff the original scent on them. All of them had a warning. 

Warnings which stopped meaning anything until one day, a girl from our pack went missing.

There was chaos everywhere when I went home from school that day. The girl was named Tasha. Her parents were devastated, as would be expected. She had left for school in the morning but never reached the said destination. Obviously, she had been abducted somewhere on the way from the Packhouse to school.

The question was how, when and who?

We sort of got the 'who' when we were delivered another message as an untraceable email ID. It said:-

Come and get her.

Where? We still didn't know. I was talking to Julian regularly and when he found out about Tasha, he practically lost it. He talked to his dad and was going to be landing there soon. He had to leave Liana behind because he didn't want to endanger her. 

I talked to Liana too, and boy was she mad. Not because her mate would not be with her for Goddess knows how long because of me but because I hadn't talked to her in a week and a half. I apologized and had to grovel for forgiveness. I was guilty and she sensed it cause she forgave me quickly after that.

Currently, I was standing at the airport - with a pack warrior for good measure - to receive Julian. To say I was excited would've been an understatement. A week and a half is a long time to go without your best friend. A friend who ]got on the first flight to fly in and help me out.

I tapped my foot on the ground as I waited. There came out a steady stream of passengers from the gate. I almost squealed when I spotted a familiar-looking frame making its way. I broke into a run, despite the warrior's - Cory's- protests, shoving through the hoards of people and jumping into an expectant Julian's arms.

"Julian!" I breathed. He chuckled.

"Hey, Lia," he greeted.

"Goddess, I'm so happy you're here!" I almost cried. Somehow when you meet your loved one, someone who understands you on another level, all the walls you make to keep trouble out sort of just break down in a jiffy.

"Hey hey," he soothed. "No crying, okay?"

I grumbled under my breath. I hadn't even realized that I had started crying. I hummed and pulled away, wiping at my face. I grabbed his arms and dragged him to where the car was parked. 

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