30| Habit

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-:Cecelia's PoV:-

"Shut it!" I protested, nestling closer to my comfortable pillow. A giant, comfortable pillow.

"I'm trying," he replied groggily, squirming under me. "Ce, can you please let go for like ten seconds?"

"No," I replied, half asleep. "And stop moving!" I held him tighter. I heard him sigh.

A few moments later, the alarm switched off and the squirming ceased. With a hand stroking my hair comfortingly, I went back to sleep again.

The next time I came around, the sun was up. I groaned, yawning, and brought a hand up to shield my eyes.

"Good morning," I registered Ashton's husky voice in my ear. I started before I remembered I asked him to stay the night. My body relaxed back into his embrace.

"Morning," I mumbled. I noticed that I was lying on his chest completely. My head was near the crook of his neck, my hands quite literally around his neck and body. One of his hands was hugging me at the waist. I fit him perfectly.

I could so get used to waking up like that every day.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Umm . . . seven twenty-four."

"Fuck. Didn't my alarm sound this morning?"

"It did. You asked me to, and I quote, 'shut it'," he replied, humor clear in his voice.

"I did?" I asked, surprised. I placed my palms on his chest and rested my chin on them. I didn't bother climbing off of him. It was too cozy. He put his free arm under his head to alleviate it a little.

"Hmm," he hummed. I chuckled lightly.

"I missed my morning training session again," I mused. "It's becoming a habit."

"You train too much," he commented.

"I've come to love it," I shrugged.

"We're late for school, you know?" He asked.

"I know," I sighed.

"Then we need to get up if we want to make it to the first period."


Neither of us moved. Well, to be fair he was helpless since I was on top of him.

"Ce," he chuckled. "We need to get up."

"But I like this," I whined.

"I do too. But, we need to go."

"I keep finding new reasons to hate school," I grumbled, finally getting off him. He sat up with a laugh.

"I thought you were a scholar?"

"Being a scholar doesn't have to mean you enjoy school, Ash. It can also mean that you understand its importance and prioritize it."

"Deep." He heaved a breath, stretching.

"Tell me about it," I said, watching his muscles flex mouthwateringly. I snapped my gaze away before I could get caught. I was sure I was blushing.

"You'll come straight from here? Or go home to change?" I asked to distract myself.

"Straight to school," he sighed. "I don't have time to make a pit stop."

"I'll see if Julian can lend you some of his clothes so you don't have to wear them again. You're both about the same size."

"That'll be great since we used my spares yesterday," he thought out loud.

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