08| Watch Your Back

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Thank you so much for adding my book to your reading lists, @Pacianostorm !! I really appreciate it!!❤❤

-:Cecelia's PoV:-

"I'm assuming you guys what waltz is, yes?" Ms. Coleman asked. We somberly nodded our heads. Of course, we did. We had seen it on the screen like a billion times.

"Well, we'll be doing the American Waltz," she continued, pacing around casually, rubbing her hands together. "Does anyone know what that is?"

I looked around and saw no one. I slowly raised my hand.

"Yes, Ms. Rivers?"

"It's basically a ballroom dance, but has six steps in all which are repeated throughout the song," I said.

"Correct," she smiled. "So, get in position."

Nobody moved. She mumbled curses under her breath and I held in a laugh.

"Stand up and face your partners," she improvised. Everybody started moving, spreading out in the spacious room. She spent the next ten minutes showing us the initial stance, correcting our postures, and teaching us the basic steps. I was finding my groove and that made me smile, but Ashton? He was the worst case of two left feet. I wondered how Bree dealt with him. But seeing that he was her Alpha, it wasn't like she was high on options.

When he stepped on my foot for the third time in a row without an apology, I grabbed his hand and snapped his index finger. As expected, he didn't even bat an eye. That would heal completely by the evening. Unlike my bruises which were renewed every day and never had a chance to heal properly. Honestly, they didn't even hurt anymore.

He did summon an angry glare though. I glared right back.

"I don't have the fucking patience to be a teacher and babysit you every day in this period. You better pick up the slack," I hissed at him. "And pick it up fast."

He scowled.

"Not everyone can be Michael Jordan," he snapped.

My eyebrows shot up in disbelief and I froze.

"Michael Jordan?" I asked incredulously. "How is it even remotely related to dance?!"

"Whatever," he muttered.

"You are hopeless," I shook my head, squishing the laughter that threatened to bubble up. Who doesn't know that MJ was a basketballer and not a dancer? I cracked. My pack members looked at me like I just killed the Alpha but I couldn't stop.

"Michael Jordan?" I wheezed, wiping the tears from my eyes. "That's hilarious, you naïve, naïve creature."

They looked at us in confusion trying to piece together what was happening discreetly. We were far away enough that humans had absolutely no idea what was going on. They just saw a girl laughing maniacally. We didn't bother to fill them. Ms. Coleman was on the other side of the room, helping a pair with rabid postures. Ashton full-on glared at me which set me in another fit of breathless laughs.

"Shut up," he snapped, his ears tinging red. He shoved his hands in his jean pockets.

"I have no words, Summers," I said breathlessly as I caught my breath when my laughter finally ceased. How this whole set of events skipped Ms. Coleman's notice was a mystery.

"You just don't stop, do you?" He grumbled.

"How can I? I mean . . . MJ?" I snickered, stepping close to him again. He removed his hands from his pockets and got in position. The sparks at the contact sent shivers throughout my body and I almost moaned. 

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