29| Explanations

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-:Cecelia's PoV;-

"Ouch!" Ashton exclaimed. "Be gentler, Ce."

I scowled at him.

"Take what you get," I snapped, pressing harder.

I was annoyed. They were prolonging giving me answers. It was like they loved having me in the dark. 

I guessed a lot of annoyance could burn away the oxytocin pretty efficiently.

"Ow! You know what, I'll do it myself," he took the ice back from my hands.

"Fine," I huffed, trying to step back but was stopped by Ash's arm around me.

"I didn't say I want you to go away," he said softly.

How the hell is he so patient with me?

That's right, he's guilty. Yup. Definitely.

I huffed again, folding my hands across my chest. We were standing in the Pack kitchen. There were not many people about. Those who were around could care less. We got a lot of looks when the three of us descended the stairs initially. 

Being publicly marked does that to you.

The boys ignored them and I followed their example. That attention was not appreciated.

Currently, Ashton was sitting on the barstool around the kitchen island. I was standing between his legs icing his face when my temper got the best of me. Now I was stuck there in his arms, standing like a petulant child while he kissed my head and face periodically despite me snapping at him.

I couldn't hate him even when I wanted to.

Julian on the other hand . . . he was easier to be mad at. But he knew me too well to be offended and be mad in return. 

That leeches all the satisfaction, when you're mad at someone and they call you a 'cute pup' before laughing and mussing up your hair. Makes you madder and I repeat, definitely doesn't help.

"Spill," I ordered.

"Not when we have ears on us," Julian denied. I let out a humorless chuckle.

"You mean the people who know more about the situation than me?" I scoffed. "Stop making excuses and just spit it out."

"Lia," he sighed heavily.

"No," I shook my head, "I don't want that face. Wipe that look off. That's what got us here in the first place. You should've told me when I had asked you."

"I am aware," he rubbed his hands together nervously.


"How much do you know?"

"Just that a wanted werewolf wants me."

"So, not much."

"And who's fault is that?" I glared.

"This story goes way back," he finally began. "A little over six years back, to be precise. Vincent showed up demanding to have you. He didn't have a lot of people following him back then. Alpha Rivers obviously refused. But something Vincent said made him wary. Wary for your safety. Vincent was a little deranged and unpredictable and your father didn't want to take any chances.

"He sent you away to the strongest pack in America he knew. The Evergreen Pack. He sent you to train, to become stronger, independent, fierce, and self-sufficient. But most importantly, he sent you away for your safety and to buy time.

"Vincent was angry, of course, he was. But he didn't have the resources to challenge Alpha Rivers, let alone my dad. So, that man bid his time. He worked throughout the years, gathered allies, and waited patiently. Much to his delight, his day came. You came back to the pack.

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