A/N : Help!

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Before you guys leave, please, hear what I have to say. I need your help.

I found out around four days ago that my book was being published without my permission and by someone I don't know. The technical term for it would be piracy or plagiarism

Since I found out, I haven't been very happy. The worst part is that I can't reverse it because there's no report option available on the site. I've tried. I'd almost given up but my friend (thank you, bro) didn't. He found a way.

Wattpad has a facility.


The link above will take you to a page through which you can report the plagiarism. I'd be extremely grateful if you'd take the time and fill out the form as a reader (I and my friend already have).

The link of the page that you'll have to enter for the plagiarized book's location is as follows:


Also, I have sort of been blocked (as in writer's block) the entire week because of this ruckus. Don't worry, I'll try to update soon. 

The Wattys 2021 starts tomorrow. I'm super stoked to enter this book into the competition. I'm aware it's not the best but I wouldn't be able to live myself if I don't at least try. I have to wait till I can mark it completed, though, to be able to enter it. I hope we get there soon. I love you guys.

Thanks for all of your support. I really appreciate you guys sticking with me and taking the time to read this note and helping me out.

Until next time, all my love,

Alpha Female | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now