33| Confusing

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-:Cecelia's POV:-

I woke up with a groan, snuggling into Ashton's chest. The banging on my door was insistent and determined.

"Lia, get up!" I heard Julian shout. My eyes snapped open. My grogginess evaporated into thin air, replaced my awareness. I pushed Ashton away to get up.

Correction: I tried to. That boy had a firm grip.

"Wake up, Ash!" I hissed at him, shaking him. He groaned.

"Go back to sleep, Ce," he pulled me closer.

"Lia!!!!!" Julian screamed.

I knew I shouldn't have put him on 'wake me up' duty. I was pissed that I was missing my training every day so I asked Julian to make sure I didn't. 

I was so regretting it then.

"Ashton, wake up!" I told him frantically. "Julian is here!!"

"Shoo him away," he mumbled sleepily.

"Ash!" I deadpanned.

"Cecelia!" Julian yelled. "Wake up!"

I couldn't even tell him I was awake and that I'd be down in ten. Damn the soundproof doors.

That's a first.

"Ashton please wake up. We'll get caught," I begged him. No one knew he snuck in and I wanted to keep it that way. Dad would be ballistic if he found out.

He peeped an eye open.

"What do I get in return?" He asked.

"Seriously?" I asked him flatly. 

"Lia!" The banging increased. Ash opened his other eye too, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

"Fine!" I grumbled. "What do you want?"

"Round two?" His eyes twinkled mischievously. 

"No." I narrowed my eyes. "You know what? Let's just wait till he breaks down my door and someone catches us here like this. That'll be fun."

"At least give me a kiss," he pouted. I quickly pecked his lips.

"Oh, c'mon! Tha-"

"I'll hurt you," I glared at him with effort. He looked absolutely adorable, but we had Julian on our case.

"Okay," he released me with a grimace. I kissed him again quickly again, scrambling out of the bed before he could trap me.

"Wipe that look off and put your clothes on. Also, it'll be super convenient if you could just disappear for a few minutes." I forced out. Sera whined in my head.

"That's so not what I expected to hear from my mate the night after we mated."

I don't want you to go. I wanna cuddle.

"Lia!" Julian was very determined.

"What? I'm sorry. You know I have no choice. They'll probably have your head." I quickly started putting my clothes on. I threw him his shirt from where it was lying near my leg. He caught it and threw me my shorts in return.

"I know," he mused, looking at my neck with what looked like satisfaction. "What will you do to hide your scent?"

My eyes widened.

"Fuck." I cursed, pulling my top over my head. I had completely forgotten about that. After mating completely, your scent changes. It gets mixed with that of your mate.

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