Author's Note

5.5K 91 10

Hii, fellow wolfies!!

I started writing this book with no idea when I would finish it. I do not lie when I say that I did not think that I would still be able to finish this in two months. But I did! You have no idea how addicting writing this was. Finishing it was a bitter sweet moment. I hope I get to experience more of those.

Thanks for choosing to read this book. It means a lot to me. I hope you like what I have to offer. 

The only request I have is that you guys be gentle. It's my first completed project and I'm a rookie. It's not childish, but it's definitely not mature. I think. I don't know I got varied reviews. Lol. 

Anyways, that's all. I'm stoked to share this with you all! Comment and vote your thoughts.

All my love,

! ! ! ! ! C A U T I O N ! ! ! ! !

This book is my original work. Don't even think of plagiarizing it. It's against the law. If you pirate it in any form or steal my work, you will regret it. I will find you and I will report you. 

In case you missed it the first time;


This book is rightfully available only on 'Wattpad'. Anywhere else, it's plagiarism. Please let me know when you find it and if you can, please report it. Thanks in advance.

Okay. That was all I had to say. Good day/night and happy reading!!

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