Bonus Chapter : Unraveling

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-:Alpha Curtis' PoV:-

We got the call from Crescent Moon not even a week after Lia left. Alpha Rivers seemed on the edge, reporting the latest rogue problems. They expected them there because of the legends of the Alpha Female. But, when he spoke of the rogues, he spoke with trepidation. Like he knew something big was wrong.

I did too.

Vincent Curtis.

Aka my elder brother. 

Technically, Vincent is the actual heir of the throne of Evergreen but because of his mental state, he was rejected by our father and our Pack members. True to his nature, he went ballistic and attempted to kill all three of us: mom, dad, and me.

We caught him too easily. We had predicted it. Our father had wanted to put him in prison but the people of power in the Pack wanted to have him executed. Dad might have been heartless enough to kill Alphas and take over several Pack lands, but he was still a father and in a moment of weakness, he let Vincent go.

There were conditions. One, Vincent was banned from ever showing his face in or near the Pack ever again or he would be killed on sight. Two, no one else could know that he had been spared or else dad would issue a bounty on his dead-head, ensuring his death.

One thing that no one else knew? Dad kept an eye on his movements throughout the years. After him, I did.

But how were we to explain his absence here in the pack? After all, he was supposed to be the heir, the next Alpha of America's most powerful pack. People would talk.

And so Vincent Curtis was declared dead to the world.

Back up plan: If Vincent even came forward with the truth, we would say that he was mentally unstable and the guard who was supposed to kill him lied and showed us a mangled body to fool us. We could choose a random guard and punish him. After all, it would be his word against ours.

Little did we know that the future would have to face the same monster with a different name. 

Vincent Morales.

Same face, same insanity. Some things never change. Some do drastically. Like the fact that that guy had evolved to be ultra-smart Wolf as it seemed. 

We didn't have to do anything. Many packs were after him because of the damages he caused and the attacks he led. Without any interference from Evergreen, Vincent became wanted somewhat in the last decade. I saw some of his pictures. He looked so different. Or maybe I remembered wrong. I was just four when he was kicked out, after all.

Rivers was tight-lipped about what he knew and I was frustrated. But I was sure it was Vincent, so I decided to take action.

Conveniently for me, my youngest son Julian was extremely close to Lia. They were thick as thieves. Also very convenient for me, he was very gullible to his loved ones. He cared too much. So I told him: how she was in danger and how she could use a friend and a protector. I could see he wanted to leave, so I gave him a little push.


The boy left his mate behind and flew over to his best friend. To protect her and be there for her. I didn't tell him about Vincent being his uncle. What he didn't know couldn't kill him. Anyway, Vincent and I looked different enough for no one to be able to guess.

And so an oblivious, reliable informant was planted.

There was no way I was telling anyone about the truth of us being related. Vincent had kept his mouth shut so far and I wasn't planning on opening mine. 

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