07| Dance

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-:Cecelia's PoV:-

I woke up late, surprising myself. I was meant to wake up at quarter to six, but I was sleeping like the dead till seven. Damn.

I missed my morning jog and was feeling a little groggy from sleeping longer than normal. Groggy yet refreshed. How was that even possible? I'd love to know.

I dressed for school like usual. I was cheery that day, so cheery that I even winked at myself in the mirror when I was done dressing. A plain white oversized tee with 'WTF - Where's The Food' printed across it and a pair of blue jeans. I laced up my pair of combat boots and threw my hair in a lazy ponytail.

I checked and time and realized that I needed to get going lest I wanted to be late. I hurried out, locking my door behind me. I made sure my wallet and keys were on me as I made my way downstairs. Pleased that they were, I treated myself to an apple and pancakes for breakfast. I downed a glass of milk and sauntered out.

I was in my car, driving to school when it occurred to me I was being weirdly happy. And trust me when I say it didn't take me long to point out the reason. My smile quickly turned upside down with the knowledge. Dang, that was bad. I didn't want to owe my happiness to anyone.

I couldn't owe my happiness to anyone.

Making sure that my mood was in check, I slid into an empty space in the parking lot. Years of training to be a warrior and excelling in combat sort of conditions your posture and aura. To an extent that people willingly part like the red sea without any prompts when they see you approach. Either that or they suddenly remembered I was their Alpha's daughter.

Not to brag, but I'd place my bets on the former.

I walked to my locker, keeping my face blank. That helps in keeping people at bay when they are already intimidated by you. I was so glad that I no longer had to pretend that I was pleased to interact with masses even when I didn't want to, just for courtesy's sake. That welcome back party was definitely tough. I was so not in the mood that day. I shuddered at the thought of all the bubbly smiles and fake niceties I exchanged then.

I put in the combination and pulled the locker open. A note slipped out. I frowned and pocketed it for the meanwhile. I stashed a few books I forgot yesterday and sorted them in my bag for the day. I closed my locker and walked to my first class - History. 

I honestly had zero fun in the class. I was usually a good student but that class felt like it was going to be the death of me. I was only taking it to complete my credits. I almost groaned audibly when I entered the class. So much desolation. It reminded me of why I kept putting it off till I absolutely had to take it and ruin my Senior year. 


I slumped into my seat, only to remember how yesterday went in that exact same seat. I wanted to kill something at the reminder. I settled for killing time for the sake of the clueless humans sitting around me. I pulled out my sketchbook and a few pencils and began sketching carelessly.

'Calm down,' Sera soothed, noticing my forceful strokes.

I scoffed.

'Isn't this exchange supposed to go the other way around?'

'Well, it would but you're the one who's angsty, sweetie.'

' . . . touché, you bitch.'

She laughed.

'Seriously though,' I argued. 'Xavier is fine, but Ash isn't.'

'Ash?' she smirked.

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