06| Peace

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This chapter is dedicated to @Valerievoyse. Thank you so much for adding my book to your reading lists!! It made me really happy!!❤❤

-:Cecelia's PoV:-

"Where the fuck were you?!" Aaron demanded as soon as I was in the driveway. I sighed as I parked my car and got out. Barefoot. My feet were blistering a little but I was sure they'd heal in a few short hours.

"Umm, school and then a café and then a spontaneous run . . ." I lied.

"Don't lie to me, Cecelia. The pack members told me that you've been AWOL since after the first period," he scolded. "And why was your mind link closed?"

Okay. So we need a new lie. Think, Lia. Think.

Then a lightbulb went off.

"I was just feeling overwhelmed being back, Aar," I said in a sad tone. "I was away for six years. It's not easy to rehabilitate, you know?"

His eyes softened. 

Broke him.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. 

"The run did me good." I nodded.

"I was about to send a search party for you!" He groaned.

"What?" I asked incredulously. A search party? "I was gone for like a few hours and I texted you that I was okay!"

His face darkened.

"You won't understand," he said.

"Try me," I snapped, throwing my backpack over my shoulder and locking my car. I stomped up the driveway inside the Packhouse to see mom and dad huddled up on the couch, looking very distressed.

"Cecelia!" Mom exclaimed as soon as she noticed me. She ran over and mauled me.

"I'm fine!" I exclaimed.

"What happened to your clothes?" She pulled back.

"I shifted without thinking . . . "

"Cecelia." She chided.

"I know, I'm sorry. It will never happen again, I promise . . . I think."

She sighed.

"It better not," I heard my father grumble. I gave him a weak grin.

"Aaron," I stopped my brother who was conveniently fleeing away. "We need to talk. Now."

"I am busy," he excused.

"With what?"

" . . . Training the noobs." 

A decent excuse. I groaned.

"Fine. But we're talking today."

He nodded before disappearing out the backdoor.

"Can I have a patrolling shift tonight?" I asked my father. I wanted to think. My mom and he exchanged a look, surprised I would volunteer. 

I've changed, people. Get over it

Their eyes glazed over. They were undoubtedly mind-linking. I rolled my eyes. There was no need to be so overdramatic about it.

"North border," he agreed after a while. The one with the stream. The one that borders Silver Moon. I suppressed another groan that threatened to escape.

"Fine." I huffed when I realized it was probably my only option.

The training was fun. None my age could keep up with me - I owe you, Jules - so Aaron ended up fighting me. We let out our frustrations on each other. It was an aggressive match and my almost healed bruises were going to be fresh again. My feet had healed. I had also remembered to stash a pair of shoes and a set of clothes in the trunk of my car for the future.

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