36| Camping

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-:Cecelia's PoV:-

I barely ate my lunch. My stomach was in knots. 

People were so much into socializing, it was nauseating. I forced smiles and niceties every time they attempted to interact with me, trying to not look like a suffocated lobster. It was like my first day back all over again.

Just worse.

Callie was sitting not far from where I'd situated myself. She ignored my existence. I'll admit it stung. When you can count all your friends on one hand, everyone is important. I never had a lot of friends. I was either too whiny, too dominant, too arrogant, too bossy, or too different. I never fit in and I made peace with it. Being at the top of the social hierarchy in Evergreen was solely because I was Julian's best friend. And because I was a warrior in training. Not many fourteen-year-old kids earned that privilege. 

Also, most people found me unapproachable.

I wondered why.

The pups, on the other hand, swarmed me like bees. Even when I'd stand up and walk away, they'd follow, occasionally chattering my ears off. Despite everything, I found them cute. My tension eased.

'Hey. How's everything?' I mind-linked Ashton.

'Great. We're almost there.'

'Okay, be careful.'

'I will be. Stop worrying.'

'I will. Eventually.'

He sighed in defeat through the link.

"What 'cha doing?" Julian asked from behind me.

'Don't die.' I told Ashton.

'I'll try my best,' he snorted and closed the link.

"I was talking to Ash but he had to go," I said. "What about you?"

"Just checked whether we were all settled or not," he responded. "The perimeter is secure."

I nodded in acknowledgment.

"Aren't you mad you didn't get to join the action?" I kicked a pebble.

"No," he said, surprising me. He seemed to sense that because he continued, a little hesitantly, "I know that's what I came for. But with Liana pregnant, I can't. I want to meet those pups of mine."

"I understand," I hugged him in reassurance. "I'd never ask you to do something that would jeopardize your family's happiness."

"I know," he hugged me back. "And that's why I was able to stay back easily."

"Good. When are you flying back?"


"When are you flying back, doofus?" I pulled back.

"I . . . didn't think about that," he admitted sheepishly. I gave him a pointed look.

"In my defense, I was busy!"

"Boys," I muttered under my breath. He faked an offended look. "Julian. Liana is pregnant. With twins. Do you have any idea what that does to a woman?"

"Do you?"

"Not the point."

He deflated, looking lost for once.

"Boy," I smacked his head in exasperation, "She needs you!"

He mock glared at me.

"Fine!" He exclaimed, "I'll go back . . . soon."

"Soon?" I cocked a questioning eyebrow. He scowled. I noted how his posture was defensive. Arms across his broad chest, legs too widely spaced, and the tendency to avoid eye contact.

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