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-:Cecelia's PoV:-

Present time

I looked at myself in the mirror. I had changed a lot in the last six years. I had gotten taller, lost all my baby fat, and had been made 'all proper'. Gone was the over-pampered, underconfident, whiny, fat, and ugly kid. There in front of me stood five feet six inches of toned muscles with short yet girly brunette hair and bright cool green eyes.

"Cecelia!" My grandfather called. "C'mon, your cab is here!"

"Coming, Grandad!" I called back and threw my carry-on over my shoulders. All my luggage was already downstairs. I spared one last glance at the room I occupied for the last six years. It was bare now, but I could still feel the homeliness that the four walls enclosed in them. I sighed as I forced my feet to move. 

I'd already had my going away party yesterday where the Alpha of the pack 'allowed' me to transfer back officially. It was, in my opinion, another unnecessary affair.

I gulped when I saw my grandma already in tears. Grandad stood there holding her and kept his face emotionless. But over the years, I'd learned that his eyes were a dead giveaway of his feelings if you knew how to read them. I was surprised to deduce that he was sad.

I went over and hugged them both. My grandma sobbed harder.

"You'll call every day, you hear me?" She choked out. A genuine smile spread on my face despite the building moisture in my eyes and I found myself nodding at her commands.

"Use your words!" She half-snapped. I let out a chuckle, pulling back and wiping my cheeks.

"Yes, grandma," I grinned.

She sniffled, hugging grandad for support. I looked at him to find him already looking at me.

"You are a great young lady, Cecelia," he spoke, surprising me. "You are special and you're one of the best warriors I've seen. You're an amazing person. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, understood?"

I held back tears as I nodded and tackled him into a hug. He was a man of few words and what he said meant more to me than he knew.

"I love you guys!" I whispered, pulling back. Grandma smiled.

"Okay, okay," grandad said gruffly. "Off you go now!" he waved me off. I chuckled and his lips twitched upwards. 

I turned to Julian and Liana. She looked ready to burst into tears any moment.

"Oh, don't go all sappy on me!" I protested, my voice cracking.

"Shut up," Julian engulfed me in a hug. I almost broke down at the familiar warmth.

"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much, Jules," I closed my eyes tight, fisting his shirt in my hands, savoring the moment and inhaling his scent as much as I could. He held me tight, doing the same.

"Oh, Lia, I'll miss you too," he croaked.

"Treat her well," I whispered in his ear. He nodded subtly.

"Are you crying?" I asked to lighten the mood, pulling back. I released another chuckle when I saw him wiping his eyes.

"No," he denied.

"Lia," Liana crushed me. I patted her back, "God, I'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you too," I smiled. "Take care of this doofus for me."

"I promise," she released something between a sob and a chuckle.

We pulled back and I kept smiling despite the pain in my insides which was basically screaming at me to never let go of these amazing people. I looked at them and was met with love and longing. My emotions exactly. I felt a wave of sobs approaching and forced myself to walk backward to the cab where all my luggage had already been loaded.

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