27| Two For One

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-:Cecelia's PoV:-

'The rogues are attacking!'

There was a moment of pin-drop silence of horror. And then there was chaos. Julian looked confused. Ash and I rushed out of the truck together so that lead me to believe it wasn't just me who got the bad news.

Both our packs were under attack.

"We're under attack!" I informed a clueless Jules when we reached him. My heart was beating wildly. It was palpitating loudly. I was losing my bearings. We were under attack. Tasha's captors were there. It was time to get her back . . . if we could.

'They're at our West border. Warriors report there. The kids and the untrained, go back to the Packhouse immediately.'

"They're at our western borders," I added. Julian frowned. People rushed out of the Packhouse and took off in the direction of our West border in groups.

"Ash, your pack needs you. Go!" I urged him. 

"I'm not leaving you when we're under attack," he denied flatly.


"Let him stay, Lia," Julian interjected. I scowled at him. The Pack comes first, does it not? And it was not like I'd be alone. I'd be one of the many fighters. There would probably be a few casualties, some injuries. That was normal in our world. It was okay because we had the skills and - most likely - the numbers to win. 

"Fine," I huffed nonetheless, not wanting to lose time. "Let's go!" 

They didn't move. They looked at each other for a moment and then turned to me.

"No." They stated in sync.

"Excuse me?" I asked in bewilderment.

"We're leaving for the borders. You're going inside the Packhouse," Julian clarified.

"The fuck I am," I scoffed incredulously.

"Lia, it's not safe."

"All trained persons are to report, Julian."

"There are exceptions," Ashton backed Julian up.

"No, there are not. I'm going," I insisted, glaring at them. 

Why are we wasting time?!


"I'm going. That's final." I growled firmly. "They need as many hands as they can get."

I was a trained warrior. I owed it to my pack. 

I started running towards the western border, having had enough. Accepting that I wasn't going to budge from my decision, Ashton and Julian followed me. I could feel the waves of annoyance and trepidation rolling off of them. I rolled my eyes. I was not a porcelain doll. They needed to stop treating me like one.

We quickly reached our destination. The scene that awaited us was confusing. Instead of a bloodbath-in-progress like what I had expected, there were masses of people everywhere. They were all vigilant and tense, but there was no fighting going on.

I thought that it was an attack . . . ?

Silver Moons were gathered there too, but they were mindful of all the borders just like the Crescent Moons. The place was absolutely stinking with the stench of rogues.

I pushed through the crowd on our side and they parted for me easily upon seeing who I was. I was almost at the front when what I saw made my blood run cold.

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