Bonus Chapter : Beach

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Cecelia's PoV:-

"Do you have to wear that?" Ash grumbled.

"I kinda do, yeah," I answered.

"Please don't."

"What do you want me to wear, Ash? Your sweatshirt?"

"Sure. They're all yours."

I rolled my eyes.

"We're going on a beach, babe." I clarified.

"I don't see the problem," he shrugged.

"I'll be too hot in your sweatshirt. It's California." I argued.

"You'll be too hot in anything, that's the whole problem." He muttered.

"Excuse me?" I grinned.

"Come on, Ce." He pleaded.

"Okay fine," I sighed, stepping out of my string bikini and putting on a one-piece rashie instead. Over it, I put on his sweatshirt. "Happy now?"

"Yeah," he breathed in relief.

"You're so childish," I laughed.

"Meh," he shrugged it off. "As long as you don't wear that." He pointed at the discarded bikini.

"Then you can't go shirtless either," I bargained.

"What?" He whined.

"You think I enjoy watching girls drool over you?" I asked him sarcastically.

"Okay," he sighed. "Point made."

"You didn't have a problem with me training in shorts and a sports bra back home." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Back home everyone knew you were off-limits and taken," he pointed out, slinging his arms loosely around my waist. "They were also well aware that you'd bash their skulls into the ground if their gaze wandered the wrong way. Here we're among a bunch of hormonal and disrespectful people with the personalities of a man-child."

"Fair point." I conceded.

"Stop sounding so surprised," he said. "I make them pretty often."

"Okay," I chuckled.

"You're making fun of me," he accused.

"I'm not, I swear," I said.

"Liar," he narrowed his eyes.

"I-" a loud knock cut me off.

"How much longer is it going to take you guys?!" Lydia, our friend, shouted.

"I bet they're going at it," Drake said.

"I hope you guys are not doing anything you're not supposed to," Clara teased.

"What will that be?" I called back.

"You know, the naughty stuff . . . " she trailed off suggestively. I rolled my eyes.

"And what if we are? Will you go away?" Ashton asked, barely holding back a laugh.

Drake, Oliver, and Lucas whistled while the girls giggled.

"No!" They said in sync. 

I stepped out of Ashton's embrace and opened the door for them. 

"So you're decent," Lydia deduced. Somehow she managed to sound disappointed as she said that. Whelp.

"Yeah," I leaned back against the frame. Ashton came and stood behind me with our beach bag.

"Where's the bikini we got together?" Clara asked.

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