Bonus Chapter : Ace

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Hey! Just wanted to tell you that this is from before the events in the epilogue. It's pretty obvious but I didn't want there to be any confusion so I wrote this note regardless, lol. It's about their initial days in college. A cliché chapter with jealousy and humor. I loved writing this one. I hope you guys like it! 

Happy reading!

-:Cecelia's POV:-

"That's the last box," I sighed as I stood upright, trying not to wince at the pain in my back. Ashton and I had just shifted to our apartment near the campus. Elena and Aiden had gifted us this place. Yes, we weren't there on rent. We sort of owned the place now. 

"I told you I would do it alone but you just had to," Ashton clicked his tongue in frustration. He'd watched me like a hawk all the time. He'd told me on multiple occasions that he would get all the stuff up from the rental truck himself but I had tenaciously refused.

"Of course," I shrugged, grinning.

"Of course," he echoed with a frown.

"I'm fine, Ash. Stop fretting."

"I'm not fretting," he lied, breaking his gaze away. I took a deep breath. 

I am not fragile.

"Let's get this finished," I changed the topic. "You take care of the rental truck and I'll start setting up the apartment."

"Are you crazy?" He scowled. "Your back is probably hurting like a bitch. Do you intend to permanently throw it out?"

"It's not hurting at all," I lied defiantly.

"Cecelia." He deadpanned. I huffed.

"The place is furnished! All I have to do is start arranging the light stuff."

"No." He resisted.

"I can start with the kitchen so that we don't have to order in." I persisted.

"Cecelia," he said in a firm tone, pinching the bridge of his nose. It was his 'I am pissed' tone. It usually led to fights. I groaned in defeat. Except for him, everyone would let me do as I pleased. They didn't want to 'upset' me. Ashton on the other hand knew what was best for me most of the time and would not hesitate to tell me.

"Fine!" I pouted, folding my hands across my chest. "No heavy lifting for the time being. I got it."

"Thank you," he breathed in relief, pocketing his keys to the truck. "I'll bring takeouts. Text me what you want, okay?"

"Sure," I responded.

"Ce, I'm so-"

"It's not your fault," I smiled, cutting him off. I knew I fought with him a lot to get my way. He tended to want to put me in a bulletproof box and store me away from harm. I wanted to be on the frontlines and face the firing. We were both crazy. We were extreme with our thoughts. We needed a middle ground and we were gradually finding it.

Gradually. Like right now.

"I'm trying," he scrunched up his eyebrows.

"I know," I hugged him. "So am I. A little less, but I am. We'll get there."

"We will get there." He repeated, hugging me back.

"Now go. I'm hungry," I pushed him off gently. 

"Fine," He chuckled, drawing away. "I'll be back soon."

The door closed behind him and I rubbed my hands in glee.

"Now where are those boxes I want?"


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