26| Explosion

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This chapter is dedicated to @malgram! Thank you for all your votes, they made my day!!❤❤❤

-:Cecelia's PoV:-

After a few minutes of navigating through the heavily trafficked roads in comfortable silence, Ashton pulled into the parking lot of a small, lowkey Chinese place. I stepped out of the truck, surveying the place and admiring the cozy vibes the place gave off. 

Ashton and I met in front of the truck's hood.

"It's not much," he spoke. "A small place, but it serves the best food."

"I love it, Ash," I said honestly. I smiled up at him for good measure. His shoulders sagged a little as if in relief. Cute. I stepped up on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss on his cheek. He stilled in surprise before grinning like a fool.

"Let's go, then," he urged, pulling me with him.

We went in and seated ourselves in one of the corner booths overlooking the roadside. We sat beside each other, me tucked under one of his arms. It was very comfortable. We skimmed through the mouthwatering menu, choosing in a way we got the most variety of dishes.

Ash flagged down a waiter when we were done. He seemed to be in his mid-twenties, I guessed.

"Hello and welcome to Colton's," he greeted cheerfully. "I'm Jared and I'll be your server for the evening. What can I get you?"

"Hey, Jared," Ashton grinned.

"Ashton!" He exclaimed, "I didn't recognize you for a second. How are you, man?"

"Cool. You?"

"Fly. Who's this lovely lady with you today?"

"Jared, meet my ma- I mean, girlfriend Cecelia," Ash introduced. "Ce, meet Jared. We've known each other for a few years since I'm addicted to the food this place serves."

"Nice to meet you," I said politely.

"You too!" Jared beamed, "It's nice to know that this boy finally got himself a girlfriend." 

I smiled at him, amused.

Ash quickly placed our order when he realized that there would be no more conversation between us. Jared nodded zealously before scurrying away, without commenting on the quantity we ordered. I could see why he had that job. He was sunshine personified. Not to mention, polite.

"You know," I said after a beat of silence. "I once superglued Julian to his seat at the Pack lunch."

"You what?" Ash asked, chuckling.

"I did," my lips twitched up. "When he tried to get up, he almost tore his pants. There was a sound of tearing seams but it sounded more like a fart. Everyone near him laughed so much. He blushed so hard but he caught on immediately. The entire meal time I was stifling my chortles while he was glaring at me. He had to sit on the seat till every last one was out, which was a long time."

"Why would you do that?" Ash laughed.

"He put a garden snake in my room that morning," I shrugged.

"Why?" He questioned, shaking his head.

"Because we're crazy," I flashed him a smile. "Are you sure you want to stick with me? I'm not marked yet, you can still get away." I joked.

"I'm sure," he kissed the top of my head. "Hayden and I set Noel up on a blind date with a human girl once," he smiled in remembrance.

"Isn't he gay?" I asked.

"Exactly," he grinned. "He was so mad at me, he chased us throughout the Packhouse, and the Pack lands like a maniac for ages! He caught us in the end, which we did not expect, and pushed us into the river with a gazillion curses and death threats. He was mad because the girl was too 'touchy feely' and wouldn't leave him alone even after he told her he was gay."

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