05| Rejected?

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-:Cecelia's POV:-

I sprinted out of the school building, ignoring all the disapproving looks people shot my way when I shoved past them. I couldn't hold the tears in anymore. I let them flow. Sera kept whimpering in the back of my mind like a wounded animal, bawling her wolfy eyes out. I let mourn the loss of the mate we never truly had.

I went on towards the forest near the school, throwing my belongings near the base of a tree, and shifted as soon as I was out of plain sight of the humans, tearing my clothes to shreds in the process. I gave over the control to Sera and she took full advantage of it, running away as fast as she could. 

Seconds into the run, she let out a loud howl. I was a little pissed because the werewolves in the school definitely heard it. But she needed it, so I didn't comment. Not that I was in a state to do so, anyways. 

The mate bond seemed to have numbed my sanity, penetrated my conscious, and blocked out all rationality from them, leaving only the thoughts of Ashton in its wake.

She ran for hours, using extrusion and exhaustion as an escape from her pain. Goddammit. This is exactly why I didn't want a mate.

Whining, whimpering she made our way through the forest towards a clearing when she couldn't run anymore. She flopped down on the ground with a pant, breathing heavily. She rested her head on her front paws and closed her eyes. She kept her ears peeled for any unusual noise. We sat there in the silence of the forest. There was no sound except for the quiet chirping of the birds and the slight rustling of the leaves.

'Can I get control back now, Sera?' I asked softly after a while. She grunted but didn't reply. Just when I thought she wouldn't, she let go of the control. I sighed as I shifted back, groaning when I realized that I shredded my clothes. I huffed and looked around the bushes to see if someone had stashed some clothes there. 

Luckily, I found a tee and a pair of oversized basketball shorts stuffed into the hollow in a tree trunk. I put them on and started my walk back barefoot, slowly. I felt more in control now. Things weren't being blown out of proportion by the effect and haze of the mate bond. I could think clearly. 

So, our mate had a girlfriend, okay. He had staked his claim on her in front of me by kissing her, okay. Mate didn't want us, okay.

Sera growled at me for thinking this.

'That's getting old, you know?' I said drily. 'It feels like you've growled more today than all the times combined since the day I shifted.'

'Mate,' was all she said.

'Sera. Come to your senses. He deliberately kissed her in front of us so we would back off. Let's just reject hi-'

'NO!' She thundered. I understood her reason. The wolves suffer the most when the mate bond is severed. But I was too antagonized to address her feelings.

'Goddess, Serafine! have some self-respect. I am not pining over some arrogant jerk who doesn't want us.' I snapped at her.

She snarled and blocked me.

I glanced around the forest to see the sun, realizing it was well after school hours. I quickened my pace, resorting to jogging to get back. I picked up my belongings from where I'd kept them and winced when I saw the number of missed calls from Julian and Aaron.

I sent a reassuring text to Aaron telling him I was at a coffee shop and quickly redialed Julian's number while walking back to my car. The call had barely connected when he picked up.

"I am going to kill you if you ever do something like that to me ever again, get it?" He snapped without wasting one breath.

"Yes, dad," I rolled my eyes. 

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