A New Dawn #3

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You groaned as you moved your arm.

Faye: That's what you get for being an idiot. You know you shouldn't be fighting.

Y/N: I know, mom. Geez.

You were now in your civilian clothing walking through a neighborhood with the others following your escape from the lab fire.

You were heading to that address Ms. Marvel gave you. She wanted to talk.

That was good news at least.

Normie: But they were totally cool tag teaming Rhino. I mean, they were sloppy, but not bad for their first time.

Mayday tossed you your webshooter back and placed her hands in her pockets.

Mayday: Not a chance. I already told you, Normie. I'm not a hero.

Normie: But you could be! I mean, you were so cool stepping up like that. Plus you totally saved my life.

Mayday blushed at his excitement but turned away so that no one would see.

The New

You all reached the house that the address belonged to and stopped. You looked at the yard and noticed that there was a bike laying on the grass. Not just that, but loud pop music was playing from inside.

Faye: Is Ms. Marvel a teenager?

Y/N: No. If my guess was right, she would've been 19 or so during the Attack. And if that was 15 years ago...

Normie: She should be 34. Think she has a kid?

Maybe? Whatever. You'll have you answers soon enough. You opened the gate and stepped onto the front yard.

The four of you headed to the front door. You looked at the name plate.


You reached up and knocked in the door. You waited for a moment before the door opened. But it wasn't Ms. Marvel.

Girl: Uh, hello?

The four of you stood there awkwardly before you looked at the address. Yeah, this was the place.

Y/N: Ah.....hi?

Girl: Can I help you?

The girl looked to be around your age. Maybe a year or so younger than you. Her hair was pretty long and she wore what looked like punk attire.

Y/N: Yeah. We were told to come here to talk to....

???: Me.

The girl stepped out of the way as a woman emerged from the house. She looked at you and your friends.

???: I was wondering when you would show up. Thank you for doing so out of uniform. Come on in.

She moved out of the way to allow you all to enter. You nodded as a thanks and headed inside.

The house was nice. Felt like a home.

Then again, none of you have ever lived in a house before.

Besides Mayday when she grew up in Texas.

???: Have a seat. Make yourselves at home.

Normie: Thank you, Ms.....

???: Just call me Kamala. And you are?

Girl: You don't even know who they are? Why are they here if you don't know their names?

Kamala: Vivian, behave. They're our guests.

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