Dog Days #2

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You flipped backwards to avoid being shot before shooting a web out. You pulled the thug's pistol away before swinging over yourself to deliver a kick to the face. You landed and caught the pipe that his partner tried to hit you with. You countered and locked his arm with yours before punching him, knocking him out.

You took a moment to look around at the area where the defeated thugs laid. You felt a bit sore after not fighting for so long, but it felt good. You looked to where the couple were now comforting each other and smiled.

Y/N: You guys alright?

The two gave you a reassuring nod and you gave them a salute. You shot out a web and swung off to wherever the next problem was. After recent events, Normie and Faye suggested you take a step back and handle smaller scale issues rather than full on battles. Neighborhood stuff.

Normie: Y/N, you there?

You landed on the side of a building and tapped your ear, activating the hud installed on your device. A video feed of Normie appeared.

Y/N: What's happening, Goblin?

Normie: The hud seems to be working and Faye just got the Friendly Neighborhood app running. We have a few messages already. Wanna check one out?

You nodded and a message appeared in your vision. A suspected robbery on 5th.

Y/N: Alright. I'll head over.

You shot out a web and swung out to head over. After doing some digging and a few exchanges with Miles, you learned of a few things that your father had made to help with his Spider-Man actions. The app was one of them, but there was also a lot of blueprints that he never got around to.

You and Normie had gotten to work with a few more gadgets and you were a bit excited to try them out. And you got the first test when your thermal alert went off.

Firestar: Heya there, Spidey. It's been a bit.

Firestar flew alongside you as you swung towards 5th.

Y/N: Hey, perfect timing.

Firestar: Oh?

Y/N: I'm heading to a call. Could maybe use some help.

Firestar grinned and followed you as you made your way towards the distress call. You ended up at what appeared to be a robbery. What was it, "free robbery day" or something?

Firestar: I take the left?

Y/N: Just try not to burn them too badly.

You both leaped into action.

The New

Firestar: Okay, okay, I'll admit it. These are some pretty good hotdogs.

Y/N: Of course they are. A New Yorker knows his dogs.

You and Firestar sat on the edge of a building surrounding the Rockefeller Center looking down at the people who had gathered to see the sights or were taking their late lunches. Some dates here and there as well.

After stopping a few minor crimes, you had managed to convince Firestar to try one of them famous hotdogs from your favorite vendor. You could've gotten it for free, but you liked to help the local economy when you could.

Firestar: Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm guessing that new suit of yours is also very "New Yorker"? Looks retro.

You had gotten a few compliments on your new costume but most every adult you ran into said it was very nostalgic to see since Miles wore it during his youth. Overall, it felt really nice. You thought it'd be somewhat restricting, but it ended up being more flexible and breathable than the suit Morgan gave you.

Oh, yeah, still hurt to think about her.

Y/N: It was a gift from a.....a friend.

Yeah, you were Miles were okay right now. You were still keeping a wary eye on him, however, as well as the other heroes. You could only fully trust your team right now. haven't really talked to anyone besides Normie and Faye lately. Even Cidny was often gone with Otto doing whatever it was he was up to.

The New Avengers weren't really that great to deal with either. You've gotten lucky with avoiding them, but it was only a matter of time before your paths crossed. And you were unsure if it would even been a peaceful confrontation or if it would end up being an all out war.

You suddenly felt a jab on the side of your head and turned to see Firestar now pointing at you.

Firestar: You spaced out.

Y/N: Did I? Uh, sorry. Didn't mean to.

Firestar frowned a bit before she smiled. She hoped up and started to hover there. The warmth of her flames creased your body and you could feel yourself starting to sweat a bit.

Firestar: You need a distraction. Come on.

Y/N: Where are we going?

Firestar: It's a surpise.

She flew off without another word. You sighed and shot out a wave to give chase. It felt nice having someone who could keep up with you again. It felt a bit weird how lonely you felt. When you started this you wasted no time in making friends that would be with you. But now, with everything happening, it's just been you.

You landed on a building where Firestar stopped. You looked down to see a park.

Y/N: We going for a stroll?

Firestar: Yes, actually.

Wait, she was serious?

Firestar: You always seem to be so high up, zipping and swinging around. Sometimes it's good to touch the ground every once and a while.

Your brain actually hurt trying to imagine Spider-Man just...walking around. But, maybe it's not such a bad idea.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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