Inner Demons #1

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You yawned as you woke up in your own bed. Man that felt good.

Mayday: Look who's finally awake.

You looked over to see that your sister was doing her makeup for the day. Oh yeah. You didn't have school anymore until Horzion was fixed.


But you also had to return the V-252 to Empire.


You climbed out of bed and stood up. You rubbed the back of your neck and sighed.

Y/N: Looks like I'm back to my old costume for a bit.

Mayday: Dude, you owe your girlfriend big time. Even after you were a jerk, she decided to fix your costume.

Y/N: I know. I'll have to take her somewhere nice for a date.

Mayday: Obviously. Though, I gotta say, I kinda miss our little friend.

You looked over to the corner where the web nest no longer sat. Since Otto was now in town, Cindy had moved back in with him. It did feel a bit odd that she wasn't always watching you.

You just sighed and and headed out to the living room. Your mom was making herself some coffee when she heard you enter. She turned around and watched as you dragged yourself towards the fridge.

MJ: You sleep good?

You stopped and looked at her.

Y/N: Yeah. You?

MJ: Better than I have been. I'm just glad that you're here and okay now. But you really do need to get rid of that thing.

You opened the fridge and looked at the glass container that was sitting between the milk and the eggs.

Y/N: Hm. Is this sanitary?

MJ: Not at all.

You just pulled it out and set it on the table.

Y/N: I'll change and go drop it off. Hopefully I can convince Dylan to dispose of it. It's too dangerous.

MJ: Believe me, I know.

You slowly looked down before you looked over to your mother. The air was thick with both tension and awkwardness.

Neither of you knew what to say.

Things were much easier before you were Spider-Man.

You just grabbed the container and walked to your room.

The New

Dylan yawned as he approached ghe science lab. He wanted to get to work on his project now that he had the time. Luckily he was close to a break through. He just needed to get back to the V-252.

He unlocked the door and walked in, but stopped when he found someone else already there.

You turned around when you heard him walk into the room. You were back in your homemade costume, but Dylan still recognized you as the new Spider-Man.

Dylan: What the heck?

He then spotted the container in your hands. He slowly pieced it together before he reached over and grabbed a nearby tool.

Dylan: W-What are you doing here?! Why do you have my project?!

You quickly put your hands up.

Y/N: Dylan, calm down. I'm not here to bust you or whatever.

The New Spider-Man (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now