Black Ops #4

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Scott: You found a way in?

You had called Scott and Vivian to your temporary dorm to come up with a plan. It was time to move in.

Y/N: Yeah. Well, kinda.

Camilla: We broke in.

Vivian nodded impressed while Scitt rubbed his chin. It was the morning after you nearly got caught and you haven't been having such harsh thoughts. At least, it felt like your mind was clear.

Scott: When do we strike?

Camilla: Today.

You nodded in agreement.

Vivian: Today? Y-You don't want to call the others? Especially after what happened?

You raised a brow.

Y/N: What happened yesterday?

Vivian pulled her phone out and handed it to you. You looked at the news article and read about how Horizon was attacked.

By the Green Goblin.

Y/N: What the heck?

Scott: We have to deal with it after we stop AIM. The others are handling it.

Right. You were already in a mission.

You needed to stop AIM.

The New

You pulled your mask on and rolled your head around. Camilla watched as you flexed your hand. This was the first time she had seen you in the red and blue instead of the black and white.

Camilla: I like it.

You looked at her questionably. She gestured to your costume and you looked down at it.

Y/N: Thanks. Uh, girlfriend made it.

Camilla: That's cute.

You just smiled before Scott and Vivian stepped out, now in costume.

Vivian: Alright. Let's do this.

You nodded. You all were prepared for your raid on AIM after preparing for nearly a week now.

You all left through the window as you grabbed Camilla while Vivian grabbed Scott. You both swung across the campus without being spotted. You landed on the roof of the main building and set Camilla down.

The four of your quickly rushed across the rooftop before you spotted the vents that would lead you down into the school. Scott quickly blasted them and you all jumped in.

You all carefully snuck through the halls on your way to room 237. You peeked over to it to see that it was unguarded. Good.

You hurried over to it and kicked the door in. You all rushed in, ready for a fight.

But it was empty. At least, the entrance was.

Vivian: Dang it. I was hoping for some action.

Monica: I'm sure you were, Ms. Marvel Jr.

Your senses suddenly went crazy as you pushed everyone out of the way. You flipped backwards as a blast hit the spot you were just standing.

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