Chapter 4

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"..A-A what..?" A blank and extremely worried expression was spread across the boy's face. Momo let out a loud chuckle, "Looks like we have a lot to work on."   

Todoroki's POV

My eyes eventually fluttered open, as I looked around with the sun beaming into my face. The sky's beautiful light blue color was blind the sharp sun, as I watched a few birds quickly fly by.

"I guess I took more than a nap.." I scratched the back of my head, yawning loudly.

My legs basically forced my body to stand up, as I stretched getting the tiredness out of me. God, what time is it?

I decided to clean up a bit before doing my normal everyday routine. My routine was basic and short. I didn't feel the need to do extra long routines, considering it would take up most of my time.

The room filled with tired foot steps, as I forcefully went into the bathroom, looking in the mirror. My hair was a bit wild now, considering I do often sleep in questionable sleeping positions.

I walked away from the mirror, walking towards the rather large shower. The knob turned, making the warm water turn on.

This shower was extremely needed, considering I did need to wake up a bit more. My hands wasted no time stripping the clothes off of my body, going into the shower.

The warm water covered my entire body, leaving my hair soaking wet. I ran a hand through my hair, getting the wet strands out of my face.


After showering, I wrapped a towel around mt waist, wrapping another around my hair and drying it. I threw the hair towel into the dirty bin, then walking over to the sink and beginning to brush my teeth.

Once I finished that, I had went to go into my closet. It was quite the large walk-in closet. It's crazy what money can buy you, right?

The outfit I picked out was pretty plain, yet causal. A black button up shirt, with black dress pants. I also added a gray tie, just for a bit of spice.

It was indeed breakfast time, but I think I'll just eat later. I didn't really have a taste for breakfast at the moment.


Since I do, unfortunately, have to go into work, I had walked outside walking straight into my garage.

I settled for the red convertible, since I wasn't really too focused on cars at the moment. It was actually quite annoying having multiple cars, but it wasn't my choice, as always.

I'd drive down the road, heading my way to a rather loud blonde, or Katsuki's house. He lives in a basic mansion, about four or around that number cars in the front of his house.

We had to discuss buying more property if we plan to become one big business and expand all over Japan.

Unlike me, he inherited his fortune. His father was also a rich businessman, in which Bakugou was next in line to inherit. I actually went to business school and got my degree, slowing building my business. Now, my business is the number one in Japan, Bakugou's being the second.

Once I arrived up to Bakugo's house, I'd get out, parking the car and walking up the rate along driveway all the way to the door, ringing the doorbell.

His maid greets me at the door. She was rather small, though, that's most likely only because of my unusual height.

"Hello! You must be.. Mr. Todoroki, correct Mr. Bakugo has been expecting you."
I'd nod and head inside , as she had stepped aside.

"Take the elevator to the third floor, then head to the right. His office is the room on the left side," she said, with a polite smile on her face.
"Thank you," I gave my token of appreciation, bowing then heading off towards the elevator. The gentle, classical music played inside of the elevator, as I waited for it to arrive to my destination.

Once the elevator finally stopped, I walked through the lengthy hallways going up, heading towards his office.

"Kacchan, are you there?" My knuckles gently pressed against the door, knocking and slowly opening the door.

"I told you to stop fucking calling me that! Stupid split haired loser!" He yelled from inside of the room, turning around in his desk's chair.

"It's just a nickname, I know you don't mind it. Matter fact, you actually love it," I'd raise an eyebrow, walking towards him.

"Whatever. Just go sit down." The blonde pointed to the spare chair next to him.

No one's POV

Bakugo turns one of his three monitors towards Todoroki. His work set up was actually pretty cool, it was more of an at home gaming setup, though.
Todoroki sets some papers aside so he can put his hands on his desk.

"This is the land we're working with," he'd zoom in a bit with his mouse.

"That's actually a really good size." Todoroki said, tilting his head.

"But next to a.. Strip club? Isn't that a bit strnage?" The taller male raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah it is odd, but if we're looking to become partners and expand, we're going to need all the land we can get," Bakugo said, avoiding eye contact with Todoroki.

"We should check it out tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is the end of the week for us and students, considering the event going on." Todoroki replied.

"Maybe. Just to see the land."

"But, not for any other reason, idiot! Just to check out the land, got it?!" He'd snap. "Yeah, yeah. I'm not interested in clubs, anyway."

"So, if we're going to actually buy this land, you're going to need to fill out the paper work. I'll do the files and online work, got it?" Todoroki asked.

"Don't order me around, fucking idiot," The blonde side-eyed his business partner, scoffing.

"I'm just saying, I didn't mean to order you around. I apologize if you're offended."

"Shut up, already," he'd turn his head to the side, focusing back on his computer.

"But, I didn't even say anyth-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

As much as Shoto cared for the angry blonde, god, he needs to work on his anger issues. Though, he found it oddly.. Cute? He wasn't very good at expressing his thoughts nor feelings, which is why his face is always so hard to read. He didn't know how he felt about Bakugou. Maybe it's just because they're really close friends, perhaps. Will the feeling go away soon?

1110 words

To Be Continued....

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