🍒Chapter 42🍒

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Bakugou knew he couldn't sleep without holding onto one of his two lovers, so he quickly pulled one of his sleepy partners toward him, which happened to be Izuku. Izuku was pulled closer to him.
The soft boy was underneath Bakugou's warm embrace, as he gently put his head on top of the other male's. A gentle kiss was then delivered into his soft green locks, as both of them prepared for slumber.

Day 2

No One's POV

Everyone had to find an excuse not to do anything with Izuku today. Though, it wasn't as if they were trying to avoid him or anything, they just needed some spare time.

His friends decided to use today to go shopping for the boy, and to plan out everything for the final day.

The sleeping boy moaned and groaned in his sleep, as one of his lovers attempted to wake him.

"Izuku.. wake up," The blonde whispered next to him, showering the smaller with kisses. His grip on Izuku was tight, as he was snugged into the embrace.

"Hmmm? I'm up, I'm up." The boy groaned, slowly opening his eyes. Izuku turned, being below his lover and cupping the sides of his face.

The blonde leaned in, pressing his nose against the other.

"I missed you," he mumbled, kissing the boy's lips once more.
"E-Eh? We were sleeping.. together? In the same bed?" Izuku raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I just love you a lot, that's why I missed you."

"You're so clingy today, Kacchan.." He'd begin to blush out of embarrassment, as he wasn't used to Bakugou showering him with this much affection.

Izuku gently kissed the blonde back, as he began to feel empty from the other side of him. Was Todoroki not there?

"Hey, Kacchan? Where's Shocchan?" The greenette was still being snugged by the rather large man.

Bakugou quickly tried to come up with an excuse, knowing that Todoroki had gone shopping for Izuku.

"He had to go somewhere for work, just for a bit. I'll be here with you, though." He'd bury his face into Izuku's chest area.

"We do have to go somewhere for work later, too. I would ask to take you, but I don't want it to be overwhelming for you.." Bakugou began to go on, as Izuku's eyes practically began to sparkle.

"Are you kidding me?! I love going places with you guys! I won't be overwhelmed, tell me! Please?!" The boy practically began to beg, lifting the blonde's head up.

Although, the view had made Izuku completely distracted.

As he lifted up Bakugou's face, he got to see his rather cute expression. With his messy, unspiked hair, his resting face which was rather cute, and his crimson eyes staring directly into his.

His morning faces were always the best.

"That's fine, I'm sure Todoroki won't mind anyway. We should get dressed and eat breakfast, alright?" A kiss was delivered to Izuku's forehead.

"Em.. Y-Yeah.."

"Well? What do you want for breakfast, cupcake?" The older male said, as he began to put on his cooking apron over his bare chest.

"Actually.. I'm not really sure, I'll eat whatever you cook!" His eyes sparkled in fascination, imagining the things his dearest Kacchan could make.

"Omelettes it is, then," the blonde turned to the fridge, getting out the appropriate ingredients.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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