🌺Chapter 34🌺

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The room was filled with Izuku's childish giggles, as we clinked our glasses together. We all smiled as we took a big sip from our drinks. It was a very odd night, though, an enjoyable one.

[This took so long to make because I got grounded like twice 😀]

The next day...

Izuku's POV

"Oh, let me see, let me see!" Mina said, as she squealed. I lifted my hand up and fanned out my hand, showing my ring. Uraraka, Mina and Momo squealed in excitement, as Tsu and Jirou smiled and did a small clap.

"I'm proud of you!" Iida put a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks, Iida!" I'd smile brightly. "I wish we could get married." Tsu sighed, looking at Uraraka.

"T-Tsu! I.. I promise we will! I promise!" Uraraka nervously said, as her face turned red. "Damn, being single sucks." Mina sighed. "We TRIED getting you to date, you said their fashion senses were all horrible!" Uraraka glared. "It was true, though." Mina shrugged.

"Love, are you in here?" A voice asked, as Todoroki walked in, shirtless. I ran up to him, shoving him out. "Put a shirt on, dummy! You know there's other people living in this house!" I yelled, closing the door behind me.

"I just wanted to ask you a question." He said. "G-Go ahead." My eyes slowly traced down to his abs, along with the bit of pubic hair sticking out his shorts.

"By the way, I'm up here." He raised an eyebrow. "R-RIGHT! SORRY!" I covered my face in embarrassment. I quickly shook my head, looking back up at him.

"Does Shinsou know about.. You know, yet?" He asked. "No, I haven't told him or Denki, yet. Why?" I tilted my head. "Oh, alright." He shrugged. "I'll just go-" I got cut off by Todoroki suddenly grabbing my shirt collar. He pulled me closer, as he held me.

He gave a small, yet troubled smirk. I felt as one of his hands slipped down to my crotch area, as he began to palm it through my pants. I bit my lip, only slipping out a groan.

"Todoroki.. n-not- mm~" I felt as my legs felt heavy. "Not n-now, Todoroki.. P-Plus, I still have my punishment." I put my hand to his hand, picking it off my area.

He gave a small chuckle and kissed my forehead, walking away. He knew what he was doing.. trying to make me give in! God, how long will I have to last?!

Bakugou's POV

I sat next to Izuku on the couch, as I played on my phone. He kept sighing, trying to get my attention, until he finally laid his head on my

"What's wrong, loser?" I asked. "Hmm.." He looked directly in my face. "Do you think I could top Todoroki?" "Probably. Why're you asking? You know damn well you're still on punishment." I asked.

"That's true, but I'm sure he'd let me. All I have to do is beg." He smirked. "Yeah, okay." I rolled my eyes. He sat up and got in front of me, on his knees. "You would let me suck you off if I begged, wouldn't you?" He placed his hands on my crotch, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Technically, no. I'm only in charge when Todoroki isn't in the house." I looked away from my phone at him. "But, technically this isn't masturbation. It's not intercourse, either. You're not inside me, yet, are you?" He licked his lips.

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