Chapter 14

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"I think I can go to sleep now." He mumbled, a soft smile taking over his face as he admired the two sleeping boys in front of him once again. They were quite the sight while their eyes were so soft, peacefully taken by their sleep.

       No One's POV

Todoroki woke up first, as always. It wasn't really surprising, considering he is somehow a morning person.

Ever since he were a kid, he loved waking up just in time to watch the sun rise. The sky's beautiful mixed colors as it faded to it's casual bright blue.

At this time, Izuku and Bakugou were still sleep. It was quite early, though. Hopefully he wouldn't miss them too much.

His lips were gently pressed against the two boy's foreheads, just as a simple morning gesture.

The red and white fallen pieces that had went into his face had been brushed back once he has found his way into the restroom. Of course, it still wasn't neat.

Shouto doesn't focus in his hair's health, especially with it being the way it is. Oddly colored, natural since birth. Nobody knows why, though it was deemed as a genetic mutation.

Once he had finished cleaning himself up, breakfast was the next thing on his mind.

Though, with two sleeping bears inside his bed, he was more encouraged than ever to cook for them. Even though he usually doesn't eat breakfast himself, most of the time.

With the blink of an eye, he found himself in the kitchen. Putting on the apron his so called best-friend, 'Kacchan' had bought him. It was supposed to be a funny birthday joke, but Shouto ended up loving it.

The kitchen soon began to have delicious scents filled throughout the air.

Blueberry pancakes, pork sausages, with a side of scrambled eggs.

Todoroki was an excellent cook. He had taken lessons with his mother before she passed. Though, he continued over along with baking to his older sister. Most of his cooking skills were never really put to work until he met Bakugou.

Although Bakugou always insisted on him cooking for Shouto. The only ways he could cook himself, were for him to wake up extra early.

Mission accomplished, breakfast had been completed.

A full meal, plus a few glasses of orange juice. There was also a bowl of fruit on the side.

A slight concern was there, though. Considering this is Izuku's first day here, he didn't know if the boy would like the food. Not everyone enjoys the same meals as him and Bakugou, so what if Izuku found the food disgusting?

"Good morning, Shouto." Izuku spoke, yawning and stretching his arms.

The slightly oversized shirt he had borrowed fell over his left shoulder, the pajama shorts going over his knees.

"Hey, I made breakfast. I'm not sure if you like pancakes and stuff— but, uhm I made something basic." Todoroki patted the couch next to where he had been sitting, waiting for them to wake up from their slumber and come downstairs.

Izuku made his way over, sitting under the other's arm as he tucked his head onto the taller's chest.

"Later, Izuku I— no, Bakugou and I need to tell you something important.  If you're not busy?" He managed to stumble out, "hm? Okay! Just let me know when you're ready to tell, i'm always open ears." The boy happily replied.

"I made breakfast for you guys, if you're hungry." Bakugou would get up off his lap, walking towards the table where the food was. Izuku about to do the same, but Todoroki pulls him back on.

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