🍿Chapter 26🍿

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I always stay up until 5AM doing paperwork, which barley just gives me enough time to sleep. I wish work wasn't so hard, I feel like I could pass out out at any minute. I feel weak. The fact that I can't handle anything by myself is stupid. God, I hate working.

A few weeks later...

No One's POV

It's now been 4 weeks since the break. Izuku has been doing amazing, with the help of his friends. His mental health and overall health is fascinating. Bakugou's health has slowly improved. With the help of 'someone'. He can now fully focus on his work and can do much more things.

As for Todoroki, well, he hasn't been doing all too great. He's devastated, to put it in short words. Ever since Izuku and Bakugou left him, his brother manipulates him more often. He's basically stuck. Though, he tries to focus more on his work.

He's resorts to drinking to help him when he's stressed. It's not the best method, but it helps pass the nights. Depending how stressed he is, he drinks during the day too. His room has bottles here and there, some on his dresser and nightstand. Nobody has asked him if he's okay, nor checked up on him. Expect for one person...

  Todoroki's POV

Knock Knock.

I lifted my head up from my desk. "Who's there..?" I asked. "C'mon, you know who it is!" The lady shouted. I chuckled. "Come in." A lady with short, purple hair walked in. She had headphones on and a bag.

"Hey, Jirou." I gave a slight smile. "Hey." She sat the bag down next to me. "I got what you wanted." She pulled up a chair and sat next to me. I nodded. She looked over to the side and saw bottles. "Rough time, again..?" I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I sighed and nodded my head. She patted my back. "It's alright. Everything will be fine." Jirou smiled. I shook my head. She reached her hand in the bag and grabbed out wine, and a noodles box.

"I got you wine, since it's a more healthier option than alcohol. We can start improving like this." Jirou looked behind her and grabbed two glasses, pouring wine in each of them, then handing one to me.

I sipped it, then raised an eyebrow. "It tastes alright. Still doesn't give me the same satisfaction as alcohol." I shrugged. Jirou rolled her eyes and sighed. "Anyway, it's been weeks. Aren't you free of your father yet?" She tilted her head.

I forgot all about that..! I'm finally free? I looked at her with my eyes widen. I smiled as tears ran down my face. "I'm finally free!" I pulled her into a hug. She laughed and hugged me back. "I'm so proud of you for staying strong during all of this." Jirou patted my back.

At the moment, she's basically my emotional support. She's always there no matter what. She'll sit for hours listening to me vent. Goes out of her way to do anything for me. I'm so lucky to have her. She's such an awesome friend. I don't know what could've happened to me if she wasn't here.

Weeks before....

Bakugou's POV

I finally finished my work..for now. God, I'm tired. I could really use a break, though. I put my head in my hand. Why not the bar? Haven't been there in a good few months. Maybe...

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