Chapter 10

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The giggle, however, was obviously familiar. Todoroki decided to play along, pretending to not know who the figure was. His giggles were addictive, music to anyone's ears. That's why it was always easy to know where and who he was.

A slight weight was then felt on top of his lap, something wrapped around his shoulders, close to his neck. A hitched breath was heard, along with another familiar giggle..

No One's POV


It had only been a week since their first interaction, but Izuku couldn't help but think about it all the time. It was the same way around with Todoroki.

It really felt like love at first sight.

Izuku would go out of his way just to send a message to him. To hear his voice, or even receive a simple text such as "good morning".

His texts were now something Izuku actually looked forward to each day. It brought him that little flutter in his stomach, or as those would usually call butterflies.

Those butterflies never went away, not once. Not once has he not gotten those pesky insects flying around in his stomach, even if he were to just think about the older male.

If it were his hair, his smile, his gentle voice that spoke to him calmly. As long as it were him.

Nobody else has unfortunately made Izuku feel the way he had been feeling. He's always had horrible relationships in the past, whether it would be actual friendships or romantic relations.

This time was extremely different. A new feeling and a new friendship. Izuku doesn't know if he'll still be able to be friends with his dearest Todoroki, though.


"Izuku, what are you doing? Why are the lights off?" A chuckle escaped the multicolored haired boy's lips.

The sound of hands clapping was suddenly heard, with the lights turning on.

"Boo! Did I scare you?!" A smile appeared on the youngster's face.
"Totally, I was so scared," Todoroki rolled his eyes playfully.

"So, what's up?" An eyebrow was slickly raised at the greenette, "nothing. I just got bored, it's quite lonely without you here~," he'd dramatically sigh, resting his head on the side of the taller's neck.

"Mmm.. You smell nice," Todoroki mumbled beneath his breath. "Do you like it? I just got it, it's a new perfume!"

"I love it, it kind of matches the way I predicted you'd smell. Like a very fruity scent."

"Say, what ever happened to the other person you brought here once? Blonde, kinda tall, red eyes?" Izuku's head perked up, as their eyes met, faces just inches away from eachother.

"He's kind of busy with work, though we're not really talking right now. It's kind of complicated," the male shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you two dating?" Izuku tilted his head sideways, "nah, we're just good friends."

Izuku actually found the blonde quite attractive. His sharp jawline, to his visible muscular form, along with his deep, crimson red eyes. It was a beauty to the eyes. Just thinking of it was enough to give anyone the hots.

Then, it came back to realization of how close the two's faces were. Their breathing began to match each other's.

Todoroki's eyes gently gazed upon the pair of lips in front of them, carefully admiring them.

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