Chapter 9

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It wasn't that bad of an experience for them, considering they haven't really gone to a club before. . Let's just say, they'll coming here a lot more often. Not only for their new friends, but also for the drinks, too.

In the car, Todoroki's phone was taken out as he added the new contacts into his phone.

No one's POV

It's been a week since the two men have gone to the club.

Ever since their interactions, Todoroki and Midoriya had recently been very talkative towards eachother. They would text anytime they got the chance.

Everytime a notification would post up, giggles would fill the rooms of the two. Todoroki did plan on going to see him at the club, though he would never have the opportunity due to work.

However, there seemed to be jealousy on the rising. Weirdly, from Bakugou.

He'd always be jealous that Shoto would want to text or talk to Izuku. Everytime he insisted on joining the two's calls, he always left Todoroki on read or stormed out the room.

Though, Shoto didn't really think much of it, considering they're not a legitimate couple. They just mess around with eachother every so often; fuck buddies, to be more specific.

The man finally got enough time to swing by the club for once. Unfortunately, he had to go alone. Bakugou didn't wanna go, as usual, so he figured he'd just go.


When he arrived, it was the usual. Drunk men, shattered glasses, tired bartenders, strippers.

On his way in, he waved to Shinsou and Kaminari, who happened to be the tired bartenders.

An available seat was there next to the stage, so that's where he decided to sit. Until Izuku's next performance, he just sat and scrolled on his phone.



Izuku sat in his dressing room, deciding what to wear. Yao-momo had given him quiet a selection.

He eventually did settle for some high waist, black, button up shorts, along with a ripped black shirt, deciding to accessories with a spiked choker.

Today, he was given another mask, same version, different color. It was quite cute, it was black, covered in silver sparkles and with a white feather on the side.


The usual light dimming occurred, along with the music changing and slightly boosting it's volume. A cheering crowd could be heard beneath the vociferous music. He got a glimpse of someone in the audience, Shoto.

He was more than thrilled that he was here. Everytime Izuku would ask him to swing by, he'd always say he was busy with work, and that he would try to find time as soon as possible.

Izuku's started out with his signature movements, blowing his sweet kisses towards the audience. Hearing them go wild was almost practically pathetic. Deku is a very popular and wanted stripper. Even if he blinks, they'd go insane.

There's another thing about being a stripped, though. Stage fright. That's something Izuku had to eventually get over.

He wouldn't be able to lie if he said he still doesn't have a bit of stage fright, but he's learned to just be himself and focus on what's more important.

His Hands grasp around the cold, metal pole, wrapping his legs around it and pulling himself up. The flexibility in his body was enough for him to twirl around on the pole, slowly turning upside down and twirling once again.

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